


Get a list of all your account's properties or use filters to narrow the results to a particular contract and/or properties that already use an existing Cloud Wrapper.

data "akamai_cloudwrapper_properties" "my_properties" {

output "my_properties" {
  value = data.akamai_cloudwrapper_properties.my_properties
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_properties = {
      + contract_ids = [
          + "C-0N7RAC7",
      + properties   = [
          + {
              + contract_id   = "C-0N7RAC7"
              + group_id      = 12345
              + property_id   = 98765
              + property_name = "My property name 1"
              + type          = "MEDIA"
          + {
              + contract_id   = "C-0N7RAC7"
              + group_id      = 98765
              + property_id   = 12345
              + property_name = "My property name 2"
              + type          = "WEB"
      + unused       = null // or true/false depending on filter use
  contract_ids = ["C-0N7RAC7"]
variable "property_ids" {
  type        = list
  description = "My wrapper properties"
  default     = ["12345", "98765"]
// tvars
property_ids = var.property_ids


Pass this data source empty to get all the properties associated with your account.

Limit results by passing a list of contract IDs or whether the property is unused.

contract_idsList of contract IDs with Cloud Wrapper entitlement.
unusedBoolean to return only unused properties.


Returned to you is a properties with all of your unused properties.

property_idThe property's ID.
typeThe type of property.
  • MEDIA. Live or video-on-demand content.
  • WEB. Website or app content.
property_nameThe property's name.
contract_idYour contract ID.
group_idYour contract's group ID.