
AAP selected hostnames


Get details about your protected hostnames.

This resource requires access to Application and API Protector (AAP).

data "akamai_appsec_aap_selected_hostnames" "my_aap_selected_hostnames" {
  config_id          = 12345
  security_policy_id = "abcd_123456"

output "my_selected_hostnames" {
  value = data.akamai_appsec_aap_selected_hostnames.my_aap_selected_hostnames
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_selected_hostnames = {
      + config_id          = 12345
      + evaluated_hosts    = [
          + "my_host_1",
      + id                 = "12345:abcd_123456"
      + json               = null
      + match_targets      = jsonencode(
              + matchTargets = {
                  + websiteTargets = [
                      + {
                          + configId            = 12345
                          + configVersion       = 2
                          + defaultFile         = "NO_MATCH"
                          + filePaths           = [
                              + "/*",
                          + hostnames           = [
                              + "my_host1",
                          + isNegativePathMatch = false
                          + securityPolicy      = {
                              + policyId = "abcd_123456"
                          + targetId            = 987654
                          + type                = "website"
      + output_text        = <<-EOT
      + protected_hosts    = [
          + "my_host2",
      + security_policy_id = "abcd_123456"
      + selected_hosts     = [
          + "my_host1",
          + "my_host2",

Argument reference

Provide both a security configuration and security policy ID to get information about your protected hostnames.

config_id✔️A security configuration ID.
security_policy_id✔️A security policy ID.


Returned to you are details about the given security policy's hostnames and their protection status.

config_idThe security configuration's ID.
configVersionThe security configuration's version.
idA concatenation of your security configuration and security policy IDs used to reference this resource.
jsonThe JSON representation of the resource response.
output_textA text representation of the resource response.
evaluated_hostsA List of host names being evaluated prior to moving them to protected.
protected_hostsA list of hostnames protected by your security policy.
security_policy_idThe security policy to which the changes apply.
selected_hostsThe hostnames associated with the security policy.
match_targetsA list of the security configuration's match targets. Contents of the set vary depending on your target's configuration.