
Import and export assets

This page provides you with general instructions for using the import feature, which allows you to add existing resources to your state file without impacting your current Terraform configuration.

Additionally, it contains a reference list of import and export commands for each subprovider's resources that can help you effectively manage your configuration.

Import an existing resource

To add an existing configuration to your Terraform state file:

  1. First, create a given resource's configuration with its required arguments in your Terraform configuration.

    resource "akamai_edge_hostname" "my-hostname-import" {
        product_id    = "prd_Object_Delivery"
        contract_id   = "C-0N7RAC7"
        group_id      = "12345"
        edge_hostname = ""
        ip_behavior   = "IPV4"
  2. Then use the terraform import command with a variable to the resource along with appropriate arguments.

    For example, to import an edge hostname, add your edge hostname, contract, and group IDs with the prefixes.

    terraform import ehn_123456,ctr_C-0N7RAC7,grp_12345

    For the import commands for each subprovider's resources, see the Import list section.

Import list

Note: This list isn't exhaustive.

Resource Import syntax
Application Security
Advanced logging terraform import{advanced settings logging resource name} {config id}
API constraints protection terraform import{api constraints protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Attack group terraform import{attack group resource name} {config id}:{policy id}:{ATTACK GROUP NAME}
Attack payload logging terraform import{attack payload logging resource name} {config id}
Configuration terraform import{configuration resource name} {config id}
Evasive path match terraform import{advanced settings evasive path match resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
IP Geo terraform import{ip geo resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
IP/GEO protection terraform import{ip geo protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Malware protection terraform import{malware protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Match target terraform import{match target resource name} {config id}:{match target id}
Penalty box terraform import{penalty box resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
PII learning terraform import{pii learning resource name} {config id}
Prefetch terraform import{advanced settings prefetch resource name} {config id}
Rate policy terraform import{rate policy resource name} {config id}:{rate policy id}
Rate policy action terraform import{rate policy action resource name} {config id}:{policy id}:{rate policy id}
Rate protection terraform import{rate protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Reputation protection terraform import{reputation protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Request body settings terraform import{advanced settings request body resource name} {config id}
Rule terraform import{rule resource name} {config id}:{policy id}:{rule id}
Security policy terraform import{security policy resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Slow POST terraform import{slow post resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Slow POST protection terraform import{slowpost protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
WAF mode terraform import{waf mode resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
WAF protection terraform import{waf protection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Bot Manager
Bot category action terraform import{bot category action resource name} {config id}:{policy id}:{category id}
Bot detection action terraform import{bot detection action resource name} {config id}:{policy id}:{detection id}
Bot management settings terraform import{bot management settings resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Challenge injection rules terraform import{challenge injection rules resource name} {config id}
Client-side security terraform import{client side security resource name} {config id}
JavaScript injection terraform import{botman javascript injection resource name} {config id}:{policy id}
Transactional endpoint protection terraform import{transactional endpoint protection resource name} {config id}
DV enrollment terraform import akamai_cps_dv_enrollment.{dv enrollment resource name} {enrollment id},{contract id}
Third-party enrollment terraform import akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment.{third party enrollment resource name} {enrollment id},{contract id}
Client Lists
Activation terraform import akamai_clientlist_activation.{client list activation resource name} {client list id}:{NETWORK}
Client list terraform import akamai_clientlist_list.{client list resource name} {client list id}
Cloud Access Manager
Access key terraform import akamai_cloudaccess_key.{resource name} {access key uid}

terraform import akamai_cloudaccess_key.{resource name} {access key uid},{group id without the grp_ prefix},{contract id without the ctr_ prefix}
Application load balancer terraform import akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer.{application load balancer resource name} {origin id}
Policy terraform import akamai_cloudlets_policy.{cloudlets resource name} {policy name}
Cloud Wrapper
Activation terraform import akamai_cloudwrapper_activation.{cloudwrapper activation resource name} {configuration id}
Cconfiguration terraform import akamai_cloudwrapper_configuration.{cloudwrapper configuration resource name} {configuration id}
Data stream terraform import akamai_datastream.{datastream resource name} {stream version id}
Edge DNS
DNS record terraform import akamai_dns_record.{record resource name} {edge dns zone name}#{edge dns recordset name}#{record type}
DNS zone terraform import akamai_dns_zone.{zone resource name} {dns zone name}
EdgeKV terraform import akamai_edgekv.{edgekv resource name} {namespace name}:{network}
EdgeKV group items terraform import akamai_edgekv_group_items.{edgekv group items resource name} {namespace name}:{network}:{group name}
Edgeworkers terraform import akamai_edgeworker.{edgeworker resource name} {edgeworker id}
Global Traffic Management
AS map terraform import akamai_gtm_asmap.{asmap resource name} {gtm domain name}:{gtm asmap name}
CIDR map terraform import akamai_gtm_cidrmap.{cidrmap resource name} {gtm domain name}:{gtm cidrmap name}
Datacenter terraform import akamai_gtm_datacenter.{datacenter resource name} {gtm domain name}:{gtm datacenter id}
Domain terraform import akamai_gtm_domain.{domain resource name} {gtm domain name}
GEO map terraform import akamai_gtm_geomap.{geomap resource name} {gtm domain name}:{gtm geographicmap name}
Property terraform import akamai_gtm_property.{property resource name} {gtm domain name}:{gtm property name}
Resource terraform import akamai_gtm_resource.{resource resource name} {gtm domain name}:{gtm resource name}
Identity and Access Management
CIDR block terraform import akamai_iam_cidr_block.{cidr block resource name} {cidr block id}
Group terraform import akamai_iam_group.{group resource name} {group id}
IP allowlist terraform import akamai_iam_ip_allowlist.{allowlist resource name} ""
Role terraform import akamai_iam_role.{role resource name} {role id}
User terraform import akamai_iam_user.{user resource name} {ui identity id}
Image and Video Manager
Policy image terraform import akamai_imaging_policy_image.{policy image resource name} {policy id}:{policy set id}:{contract id}
Policy set terraform import akamai_imaging_policy_set.{policy set resource name} {policy set id}:{contract id}
Policy video terraform import akamai_imaging_policy_video.{policy video resource name} {policy id}:{policy set id}:{contract id}
Network Lists
Network_list terraform import akamai_networklist_network_list.{network list resource name} {network list id}
CP code terraform import akamai_cp_code.{cp code resource name} {cp code id},{contract id},{group id}
Edge hostname terraform import akamai_edge_hostname.{hostname resource name} {edge hostname id},{contract id},{group id},{product id (optional)}
Include terraform import akamai_property_include.{include resource name} {contract id}:{group id}:{include id}
Include activation terraform import akamai_property_include_activation.{include activation resource name} {contract id}:{group id}:{include id}:{NETWORK}
Property Import the latest property version:
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id}
or (if a property belongs to multiple groups or contracts)
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},{contract id},{group id}

Import the latest active property version on the staging network:
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},S
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},{contract id},{group id},STAGE

Import the latest active property version on the production network:
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},P
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},{contract id},{group id},PROD

Import a specific property version:
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},{property version number}
terraform import akamai_property.{property resource name} {property id},{contract id},{group id},ver_{property version number}
Property activation terraform import akamai_property_activation.{property activation resource name} {property id}:{NETWORK}

Export your resources

To use the export commands, you need to have our Terraform CLI installed on your device. With the export commands, you can import your configurations by running the included import script. Thanks to that, there is no need to create a configuration before importing, the export commands generate the configuration for you.

To export your assets, provide the path to your .edgerc, your credentials section header, and the export command for the asset you need. If you manage multiple accounts, pass your account switch key using the global --accountkey flag. Use other additional flags or arguments to further define the output.


  • If you pass the command without the global --edgerc and --section flags, the command, by default, will point to the local home directory of your .edgerc file and the default credentials section header of that file.
  • By default, when your run the command, generated files are saved in your active directory. Use the --tfworkpath flag in any export command to change the storage path.
akamai terraform [global flags] command [command flags] [arguments...]

For example:

akamai terraform --edgerc "~/.edgerc" --section "default" --accountkey "A-CCT1234:A-CCT5432" export-property --version 3 "my-property"

This will generate a Terraform property configuration file with its JSON rules for a specific property version as well as the import script file for you to run to populate your Terraform state.

Export command help

To get help information for a given Terraform CLI command, pass the export command and the --help flag.

akamai terraform export-iam --help
  akamai-terraform export-iam

  akamai-terraform [global flags] export-iam [command flags] <subcommand>

  Generates Terraform configuration for Identity and Access Management resources.


Command Flags:
  --tfworkpath value  Directory used to store files created when running commands. (default: current directory)
  --help              show help (default: false)

Global Flags:
  --edgerc value, -e value                 Location of the credentials file (default: "/home/user/.edgerc") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section value, -s value                Section of the credentials file (default: "default") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC_SECTION]
  --accountkey value, --account-key value  Account switch key [$AKAMAI_EDGERC_ACCOUNT_KEY]

See the Export list for the available export commands and their syntax.

Export list

Command Description Export syntax
export‑appsec Exports a declarative security configuration and its targets and policies in JSON. akamai terraform export‑appsec {your-security-config-name}
export‑clientlist Exports a client list. akamai terraform export-clientlist {your-list-ID}
export-cloudaccess Exports a could access key. akamai terraform export-cloudaccess {your-cloud-access-uid}
With both the --group_id and --contract_id flags, this exports a cloud access key for a specific group and contract. akamai terraform export-cloudaccess --group_id {your-group-id} --contract_id {your-contract-id} {your-access-key-uid}
export‑cloudlets-policy Exports your cloudlet policy configuration. akamai terraform export-cloudlets-policy {your-policy-name}
export‑cloudwrapper Exports your cloud wrapper configuration. akamai terraform export-cloudwrapper {your-configuration-ID}
export‑cps Exports your certificate configuration. akamai terraform export-cps {your-enrollment-id} {your-contract-id}
export‑domain Exports your domain configuration. akamai terraform export-domain {your-domain-name}
export‑edgekv Exports your namespace and network's EdgeKV configuration. akamai terraform export-edgekv {your-namespace-name} {network}
export‑edgeworker Exports your edgeworker's code bundle in .tgz format. akamai terraform export-edgeworker {your-edgeworker-id}
With the --bundlepath flag, this sets the export location to the given path. The default is your active directory. akamai terraform export-edgeworker --bundlepath {path-to-your-directory} {your-edgeworker-id}
export‑iam With the all subcommand, this exports all available Terraform users, groups, roles, IP allowlist, and CIDR block resources. akamai terraform export-iam all
With the allowlist subcommand, this exports the Terraform IP allowlist and CIDR block resources. akamai terraform export-iam allowlist
With the group subcommand, this exports a group by ID with relevant users and their roles. akamai terraform export-iam group {your-group-id}
With the role subcommand, this exports a role by ID with relevant users and their groups. akamai terraform export-iam role {your-role-id}
With the user subcommand, this exports a user by their email with a relevant user's groups and roles. akamai terraform export-iam user {your-user-email}
With the advanced --only option for the group, role, and user subcommands, this exports only specific information. akamai terraform export-iam group --only {your-group-id}

akamai terraform export-iam role --only {your-role-id}

akamai terraform export-iam user --only {your-user-email}
export‑imaging Exports your imaging policy in JSON. akamai terraform export-imaging {your-contract-id} {your-policy-set-id}
With the --policy-as-hcl flag, this exports your imaging policy with rules in HCL format. akamai terraform export-imaging --policy-as-hcl {your-contract-id} {your-policy-set-id}
With the --policy-json-dir flag, this sets the export location to the given path. The default is your active directory. akamai terraform export-imaging --policy-json-dir {path-to-your-directory} {your-contract-id} {your-policy-set-id}
export‑property With the --version flag, this exports your property's rules without includes for a specific version.

Note: If you don't provide the --version flag, by default, it exports the latest property version whether it is active or not.
akamai terraform export-property --version {your-property-version-number} {your-property-name}

akamai terraform export-property {your-property-name}
With the --rules-as-hcl flag, this exports your property's rules as the akamai_property_rules_builder data source in HCL format. akamai terraform export-property --rules-as-hcl {your-property-name}
With the --split-depth flag, this exports rules into a dedicated module. Each rule will be placed in a separate file up to a specified nesting level. akamai terraform export-property --split-depth={nesting-level-number-value} {your-property-name}
export‑property-include Exports your property's include. akamai terraform export-property-include {your-property-include-name}
With the --rules-as-hcl flag, this exports your property's include as the akamai_property_rules_builder data source in HCL format. akamai terraform export-property-include --rules-as-hcl {your-property-include-name}
With the --split-depth flag, this exports rules into a dedicated module. Each rule will be placed in a separate file up to a specified nesting level. akamai terraform export-property-include --split-depth={nesting-level-number-value} {your-property-name}
export‑zone With the --resources flag, this generates a JSON-formatted resource file. ‑‑createconfig uses this file as input. akamai terraform export-zone --resources {your-dns-zone-name}
With the --createconfig flag, this generates configurations based on the values in the output files from ‑‑resources. akamai terraform export-zone --createconfig {your-dns-zone-name}
With the --importscript flag, this generates an import script for the generated zone configuration. akamai terraform export-zone --importscript {your-dns-zone-name}
With the advanced --recordname option for the --resources flag, this filters the generated resource list by a given record name. akamai terraform export-zone --resources --recordname {your-record-name} {your-dns-zone-name}
With the advanced --namesonlyoption for the --resources and --createconfig flags, this generates a resource file with recordset names only for all associated record types. akamai terraform export-zone --resources --namesonly {your-dns-zone-name}

akamai terraform export-zone --createconfig --namesonly {your-dns-zone-name}
With the advanced --segmentconfig option for the --createconfig flag, this generates a modularized configuration. akamai terraform export-zone --createconfig --segmentconfig {your-dns-zone-name}
With the advanced --configonly option for the --createconfig flag, this generates a zone configuration without JSON itemization. The configuration generated varies based on which set of flags you use. akamai terraform export-zone --createconfig --configonly {your-dns-zone-name}