
DV validation


Send certificate challenge acknowledgement to begin token validation and deployment to the staging and production networks.

resource "akamai_cps_dv_validation" "example" {
  enrollment_id = 1
  sans = [
  acknowledge_post_verification_warnings = true
  timeouts {
  	default = "1h"

Argument reference

Pass your enrollment ID and any optional arguments to begin enrollment validation.

enrollment_id✔️Your enrollment's ID.
sansThe Subject Alternative Names (SAN) list for tracking changes on related enrollments. Whenever any SAN changes, the Akamai provider recreates this resource and sends another acknowledgement request to CPS.
timeoutsUses a default argument to override the HashiCorp processing timeout of 20 minutes. Value is a string containing a number and its time reference, h, m, s. You can pass one, two, or all values. For example:
  • 1h3m5s
  • 2h5m
  • 3m
acknowledge_post_verification_warningsWhether to acknowledge all post-verification warnings.

Attributes reference

Returned to you is the status of your enrollment's validation.