Rebuilds a Linode you have the read_write
permission to modify.
A rebuild will first shut down the Linode, delete all disks and configs on the Linode, and then deploy a new image
to the Linode with the given attributes. Additionally:
- Requires an
be supplied. - Requires a
be supplied to use for the root User's Account. - It is recommended to supply SSH keys for the root User using the
field. - Linodes utilizing Metadata (
"has_user_data": true
) should includemetadata.user_data
in the rebuild request to continue using the service.
During a rebuild, you can enable
or disable
local disk encryption. If disk encryption is not included in the request, the previous disk_encryption
value is used. Disk encryption cannot be disabled if the compute instance is attached to a LKE nodepool.
You also have the option to resize the Linode to a different plan by including the type
parameter with your request. Note that resizing involves migrating the Linode to a new hardware host, while rebuilding without resizing maintains the same hardware host. Resizing also requires significantly more time for completion of this operation. The following additional conditions apply:
- The Linode must not have a pending migration.
- Your Account cannot have an outstanding balance.
- The Linode must not have more disk allocation than the new Type allows.
- In that situation, you must first delete or resize the disk to be smaller.
linode-cli linodes rebuild 123 \
--image "linode/debian9" \
--root_pass aComplex@Password \
--disk_encryption disabled \
--authorized_keys "ssh-rsa AAAA_valid_public_ssh_key_123456785== user@their-computer" \
--authorized_users "myUsername" \
--authorized_users "secondaryUsername" \
--booted true \
--stackscript_id 10079 \
--stackscript_data '{"gh_username": "linode"}' \
--type "g6-standard-2" \
--metadata.userdata "I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZw=="