Create a disk

Add a new disk to an existing Linode. You can create an empty disk to manually configure it later. You can also target a stored image to build the disk using a pre-configured file system.

  • A Linode can have up to 50 disks.

  • When creating an empty disk, you need to provide a label for it. If you don't include a label, you need to target an image instead.

  • When you create a disk from an image, you need to set a root_pass for the disk.

  • The default file system for a new disk is ext4. If you're creating one from an image, the disk inherits the file system of that image, is unless you specify otherwise.

  • When you deploy a StackScript on a disk:

    • You can run List StackScripts to review available StackScripts.

    • You need to include a compatible image when creating the disk. Run Get a StackScript to review compatible images.

    • You should supply SSH keys for the disk's root user, using the authorized_keys field.

    • You can include individual users via the authorized_users field. Before you can add a user, it needs an SSH key assigned to its profile. See Add an SSH key for more information.

linode-cli linodes disk-create 123 \
  --size 1300 \
  --authorized_keys "ssh-rsa AAAA_valid_public_ssh_key_123456785== user@their-computer" \
  --authorized_users "myUser" \
  --authorized_users "secondaryUser" \
  --root_pass aComplex@Password \
  --image "linode/debian9" \
  --stackscript_id 10079 \
  --stackscript_data '{"gh_username": "linode"}'


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