AAP selected hostnames
Get details about your protected hostnames.
This resource requires access to Application and API Protector (AAP).
data "akamai_appsec_aap_selected_hostnames" "my_aap_selected_hostnames" {
config_id = 12345
security_policy_id = "abcd_123456"
output "my_selected_hostnames" {
value = data.akamai_appsec_aap_selected_hostnames.my_aap_selected_hostnames
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_selected_hostnames = {
+ config_id = 12345
+ evaluated_hosts = [
+ "my_host_1",
+ id = "12345:abcd_123456"
+ json = null
+ match_targets = jsonencode(
+ matchTargets = {
+ websiteTargets = [
+ {
+ configId = 12345
+ configVersion = 2
+ defaultFile = "NO_MATCH"
+ filePaths = [
+ "/*",
+ hostnames = [
+ "my_host1",
+ isNegativePathMatch = false
+ securityPolicy = {
+ policyId = "abcd_123456"
+ targetId = 987654
+ type = "website"
+ output_text = <<-EOT
+ protected_hosts = [
+ "my_host2",
+ security_policy_id = "abcd_123456"
+ selected_hosts = [
+ "my_host1",
+ "my_host2",
Argument reference
Provide both a security configuration and security policy ID to get information about your protected hostnames.
Argument | Required | Description |
config_id | ✔️ | A security configuration ID. |
security_policy_id | ✔️ | A security policy ID. |
Returned to you are details about the given security policy's hostnames and their protection status.
Attribute | Description |
config_id | The security configuration's ID. |
configVersion | The security configuration's version. |
id | A concatenation of your security configuration and security policy IDs used to reference this resource. |
json | The JSON representation of the resource response. |
output_text | A text representation of the resource response. |
evaluated_hosts | A List of host names being evaluated prior to moving them to protected. |
protected_hosts | A list of hostnames protected by your security policy. |
security_policy_id | The security policy to which the changes apply. |
selected_hosts | The hostnames associated with the security policy. |
match_targets | A list of the security configuration's match targets. Contents of the set vary depending on your target's configuration. |
Updated 5 months ago