How do I debug EdgeWorkers?
We offer various tools to help you debug EdgeWorkers such as, Enhanced debug headers, Sandbox CLI, and JavaScript logging.
Can I validate my EdgeWorkers code bundle before uploading it?
Yes, there is a validation service built into the EdgeWorkers code bundle upload process (via UI, API, or CLI). This validation service attempts to ensure you are uploading valid JavaScript that will run successfully.
Will upload fail if the bundle contains bad syntax or it doesn't compile?
The validation service does not check for logical or run time errors.
What happens if my EdgeWorkers function fails after I deploy it to production?
The request will fail and you'll get a 500 response. You can however, configure one of the supported failover actions to for example, perform a redirect to a different location or by-pass the failed EdgeWorkers function. As a best practice you should add the Site Failover behavior to your property and set up one of the supported actions.
Updated about 3 years ago