Enhanced debug header details

Here’s an example of an enhanced debug request header:

curl http://www.example.com -H 'Pragma: akamai-x-ew-debug' -H 'Akamai-EW-Trace: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi ... iu1XOS9eJOl-54Yw

This example shows the trace response headers with successful execution of all event handlers:

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: /us/en/
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 02:31:17 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
X-Akamai-EdgeWorker-onClientResponse-Info: ew=9 v7.0:EW for example.com; status=Success; status_msg=-; res_tier=200; init_wall_time=0; wall_time=0; init_cpu_time=0; cpu_time=0; memory_usage=672;
X-Akamai-EdgeWorker-onClientRequest-Info: ew=9 v7.0: EW for example.com; status=Success; status_msg=-; res_tier=200; init_wall_time=9.99; wall_time=6.349; init_cpu_time=6.19; cpu_time=6.349;memory_usage=14572;
X-Akamai-EdgeWorker-onOriginResponse-Info: ew=9 v7.0:EW for example.com; status=Success; status_msg=-; res_tier=200; init_wall_time=0; wall_time=0; init_cpu_time=0; cpu_time=0; memory_usage=472;
X-Akamai-EdgeWorker-onOriginRequest-Info: ew=9 v7.0: EW for example.com; status=Success; status_msg=-; res_tier=200; init_wall_time=0; wall_time=0; init_cpu_time=0; cpu_time=0; memory_usage=372;

X-Powered-By: Akamai EdgeWorkers

Here's a curl request that passes the Pragma akamai-x-ew-onclientrequest request header:

curl "http://www.example.com" -H "Pragma: akamai-x-ew-onclientrequest" -H 'Akamai-EW-Trace: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi ... iu1XOS9eJOl-54Yw

This example shows the trace response header with an execution error:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 174
Expires: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 15:11:24 GMT
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 15:11:24 GMT
Connection: close
X-Akamai-EdgeWorker-onClientRequest-Info: ew=9 v7.0:EW for example.com; status=ExecutionError; status_msg=main.js:runtime_error:5:2,main.js:red_team:16:3,main.js:onClientRequest:39:3+ReferenceError:+calling_undefined_fn+is+not+defined; res_tier=200; init_wall_time=0; wall_time=0; init_cpu_time=0; cpu_time=0; memory_usage=21560

Enhanced debug headers include a status message and the amount of wall time, CPU time, and memory consumed by the event handler.

Response Header fields Details Description
EdgeWorker details

ew=<id> <version>:<name>

<id>EdgeWorker ID
<version>EdgeWorker version number
<name>EdgeWorker name
Status type

status=<status type>

<status type>Possible values include:
  • Success - the EdgeWorker successfully executed.

  • GenericError - a compile error, such as a syntax error occurred.

  • ExecutionError - an execution error, such as a JavaScript exception or error occurred.

  • RuntimeError - an error occurred at runtime/environment preventing the EdgeWorker from executing.

  • UnknownEdgeWorker - the EdgeWorker ID cannot be loaded because it doesn't exist.

  • UnimplementedHandler - the requested event handler wasn't implemented by the EdgeWorker.

  • TimeoutError - the execution time surpassed an upper limit restriction.

  • WallTimeoutError - the wall time consumed by the event handler exceeded the limit during the JavaScript execution.

  • InitWallTimeoutError - the wall time consumed by the event handler exceeded the limit during the JavaScript initialization.

  • CpuTimeoutError - the amount of CPU time consumed by the event handler exceeded the limit during the JavaScript execution.

  • InitCpuTimeoutError - the amount of CPU time consumed by the event handler exceeded the limit during the JavaScript initialization.

  • ResourceLimit - the upper bound of a resource limit was reached.

Status Message

status_msg=(<function-name>:<line-number>:<column>) + <error-description>

<function-name>Optional URL encoded function name where the error occurred.
<line-number>Optional line number where the error occurred.
<column>Column number where the error occurred.
<error-description>Error message for the exception.
Resource tier


<res_tier>The resource tier selected for the EdgeWorker ID, either 200 for Dynamic Compute or 100 for Basic compute.
Initialization Wall Time


<init_wall_time>The total amount of time consumed by the event handler in milliseconds for the initialization of the event.
Wall Time


<wall_time>The total amount of time consumed by the event handler in milliseconds.
Initialization CPU Time


<init_cpu_time>The amount of CPU time consumed by the event handler in milliseconds for the initialization of the event.
CPU Time


<cpu_time>The amount of CPU time consumed by the event handler in milliseconds.
Memory Usage


<memory_usage> The amount of memory consumed by the event handler in bytes.


<req_body> Possible values include:
  • buffered - A buffered request body of non-zero size was sent.

  • streamed - A streamed request body was sent.

  • error - An error occurred when sending a buffered request body.

  • none - An empty request body was sent.


The trace response header format may change in the future to include new fields.