This module is available to use in your EdgeWorkers code bundles to verify CWT tokens. For more information, refer to the CBOR Web Token format specification and the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) documents.
Go to the the EdgeWorkers GitHub repo for access to the CWT module, the main helper class you need to import into your main.js
file and the TypeScript definition file. You can also find examples to help you learn more about how to use the cwt module .
Currently the module only supports verification for CWT tokens using the HS256 (HMAC SHA256) and ES256 (ECDSA w/ SHA-256) algorithms.
Constructor for new CWTValidator
Object. It performs type checks on the cwtOptions
Object fields.
CWTValidator(cwtOptions: CWTOptions)
CWTOptions Object
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value | Exceptions |
isCWTTagAdded | Boolean | (optional) Enable if the CWT CBOR Tag (61) is added when the token is generated. Refer to the CBOR Web Token Internet Standards for more details on tags. | false | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: isCWTTagAdded must be boolean ) |
isCoseCborTagAdded | Boolean | (optional) Enable if the COSE CBOR Tag such as, COSE_Mac0 is added when the token is generated.Refer to the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) for more details on tags. Currently only Tag COSE_Mac0 and COSE_Sign1 are supported. | true | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: isCoseCborTagAdded must be boolean ) |
headerValidation | Boolean | (optional) Indicates if the CWT header needs to be validated. | false | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: headerValidation must be boolean ) |
issuer | String | (optional) The issuer to check with an iss claim in the CWT payload. | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: issuer must be non empty string ) | |
subject | String | (optional) The subject to check with a sub claim in the CWT payload. | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: subject must be non empty string ) | |
audience | String | (optional) The audience to check with an aud claim in the CWT payload. | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: audience must be non empty string or array ) | |
ignoreExpiration | Boolean | (optional) If false, validate the expiry of the token. | true | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: ignoreExpiration must be boolean ) |
ignoreNotBefore | Boolean | (optional) If false, validate the not before claim of the token. | true | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: ignoreNotBefore must be boolean ) |
clockTolerance | Number | (optional) Number of seconds to tolerate when checking the nbf and exp claims. | 60 seconds | Error(Invalid cwtOptions: clockTolerance must be number ) |
Holds cwt header and payload in JSON format.
Parameter | Type | Description |
p | Object | Protected header fields in JSON. Refer to the Header Parameters section in the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE document. |
u | Object | Unprotected header fields in JSON. Refer to the Header Parameters section in the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) document. |
The set of claims from the CWT token as a JSON object. Refer to the Claims section in the CWT spec for more information.
async validate()
Performs the CBOR decoding of the CWT token and validates the signature. Returns a promise<CWTJSON>
if the signature validation is successful, otherwise throws an error.
async validate( tokenBuf: Uint8Array, keys: CryptoKey[], externalAAD?: Uint8Array)
Parameter | Type | Description |
tokenBuf | CWT token in binary format such as, Uint8Array. | |
keys | Array | An array of CryptoKeys used for verification. A token is valid if its signature is verifiable by any one key. |
externalAAD | Externally supplied data in binary such as, Uint8Array that needs to be authenticated and is not carried as part of the COSE message. |
Translates the payload with integer keys to map with string keys using the labelsMaps
mapping and translators
functions. Returns an instance of a JSON object where keys are string.
claimsTranslate( payload: any, labelsMap: { [key: number | string]: string }, translators?: { [key: string]: Function })
payload | CWT payload | CWT payload from the CWT JSON object obtained upon successful verification. |
labelsMap | JSON object | Map of integer keys that needs to be translated to string keys. This will translate integer keys from a CWT payload to a JSON object containing string keys. Refer to the example below. |
translators | JSON object | (optional) Contains the field with the translator function mapping. Refer to the example below. |
//CWT payload obtained after successfull verification
payload = { 1: 'john@issuer', 2: 'akamai@subject', 7: Uint8Array([72, 83, 50, 53, 54])}
//Traslation of integer keys to string keys
labelsMap = { 1: 'iss', 2: 'sub', 3: 'aud', 4: 'exp', 5: 'nbf', 6: 'iat', 7: 'cti' }
//Translation of value for each string keys
translators = { cti: (input: Uint8Array) => TextDecoder().decode(input)}
//Ouput of claimsTranslate function
outputs = { 'iss': 'john@issuer', 'sub': akamai@subject, 'cti': 'HS256' }
Updated 6 months ago