About JavaScript troubleshooting

In this section you'll find information about debugging, error codes, and how to resolve common errors.

Standard debug headersProvides general status and EdgeWorker information (id, version, and name) for the executed EdgeWorkers function.
Enhanced debug headersAs a best practice you should enable enhanced debug headers.

You can use DataStream 2 to deliver JavaScript logs. For more information go to the Use DataStream 2 to deliver JavaScript logs tutorial.

These enhanced debug trace headers provide actionable details that will help you troubleshoot your EdgeWorkers.
Error codes - EdgeWorkers Management ApplicationView a list of error codes that are displayed in the EdgeWorkers Management application to keep you informed about limitations and issues.
Common errorsReview the common errors and how they can be resolved.

Review these resources and tips that can also help you troubleshoot and test your EdgeWorkers:

  • To handle exceptions cleanly write try and catch blocks in your JavaScript code.
  • Refer to the Limitations section for information about what you should keep in mind when designing your EdgeWorkers functions. You can also review a list of the currently supported delivery products.
  • Use Site Failover to define what action to take in the event that an EdgeWorkers function fails.
  • EdgeWorkers functions are supported on both the Enhanced TLS and Standard TLS networks.