Hello World tutorials
These Hello World tutorials show you how to get an EdgeWorkers function up and running on your site. You'll learn how to set up the EdgeWorkers service and then create and deploy the Hello World code bundle using the EdgeWorkers Management application, API , and CLI.
To get useful information about your EdgeWorkers functions that will help you troubleshoot, we highly recommend that you enable enhanced debug headers.
You can also watch this video to help you get started using Akamai EdgeWorkers.
This diagram illustrates how the different roles in your organization may divide up the EdgeWorkers tasks. An Akamai Administrator will typically set up the EdgeWorkers service while a developer writes, tests, and deploys the JavaScript code.
Once you've successfully completed the Hello World use case, review the code samples in the Akamai EdgeWorkers GitHub repo. Each example uses an EdgeWorkers function to optimize content delivery by creating customized experiences for your website visitors.
Updated about 2 years ago