The encoding module is available to use in your EdgeWorkers code bundles to handle text in various character encodings, including legacy non-UTF-8.

TextEncoder Object

The TextEncoder object takes a stream of code points as input and emits a stream of UTF-8 bytes.

This example takes a string and converts it to a Uint8Array array of bytes. The string representation of the array is returned as the body.

import {TextEncoder} from 'encoding';
export function onClientRequest(request) {
    let encoded = new TextEncoder().encode("This is a sample paragraph."); // produces Uint8Array[84,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,97,32,115,97,109,112,108,101,32,112,97,114,97,103,114,97,112,104,46]
    let encoded_as_binary_string = encoded.toString(); // produces the string "84,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,97,32,115,97,109,112,108,101,32,112,97,114,97,103,114,97,112,104,46"
    request.respondWith(200, {}, encoded);

TextEncoder methods


Constructor for a new TextEncoder object.


Converts the input string into a stream of UTF-8 bytes and returns a Uint8Array containing UTF-8 encoded text. The available argument is a String to encode.

textStringA string to encode.

TextEncoder properties


The name of the encoding algorithm used by the specific encoder. This is a read-only string UTF-8 value.

TextDecoder Object

The TextDecoder Object represents a decoder for a specific text encoding, such as UTF-8, ISO-8859-2, KOI8-R, and GBK. A decoder takes a stream of bytes as input and emits a stream of code points.

The following example takes a Uint8Array array of bytes and decodes it into the original string.

import { TextDecoder } from 'encoding';
export function onClientRequest(request) {
    let decoder = new TextDecoder();
    let data = new Uint8Array([84,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,97,32,115,97,109,112,108,101,32,112,97,114,97,103,114,97,112,104,46]);
    let text = decoder.decode(data); // decodes to the string "This is a sample paragraph."
    request.respondWith(231, {}, text);

This example demonstrates how to decode data that's provided in chunks.


The stream: true is passed into the decode() method when you push chunks one by one, and the parameter is missing in the last call to decode() .

import { TextDecoder } from 'encoding';

export async function onClientRequest(request) {
    let decoder = new TextDecoder();
    let output = "";
    // Push first chunk
    output += decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0xE2, 0x82]), {stream: true});
    // Push second chunk
    output += decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0xAC]), {stream: true});
    // Pass no arguments to decode(), indicating that there are no more chunks, and finish the decoding
    output += decoder.decode(); // produces "€"
    request.respondWith(201, {}, output);

TextDecoder methods

TextDecoderOptions dictionary

If the specified value is not a Boolean, it's converted to Boolean.

KeyOptionalValueDefault value


Constructs a new TextDecoder object.

utfLabelStringOptional Represents the encoding to be used. Defaults to "UTF-8".
optionsOptional The TextDecoderOption dictionary.


Returns a string containing the text decoded with the method of the specific TextDecoder object.

or DataView object
Optional Contains the text to decode.
optionsOptional An object with the property:
stream: A boolean flag indicating that additional data will follow in subsequent calls to decode(). Set to true to process the data in chunks. By default, set to false for the final chunk or if the data is not chunked.

TextDecoder properties


Whitespaces are ignored in all TextDecoder functions.


The fatal flag passed into the constructor. This is a read-only Boolean value.


The ignoreBOM flag passed into the constructor. This is a read-only Boolean value.


The name of the decoder describing the method that the TextDecoder will use. This is a read-only String value.

encoding methods


Takes a string of base64 encoded data and returns a decoded ASCII binary string.

import { atob } from "encoding";

let decodedData = atob(encodedData)
encodedDataStringA binary string containing the encoded data.

Returns decodedData as a binary string. A binary string is an ASCII string containing decoded data from encodedData.

An InvalidCharactorError (DOMException) is thrown if the encodedData is not valid base64.


Takes a string, performs a base64 encoding on it and returns an ASCII string.

import { btoa } from "encoding";

let encodedData = btoa(stringToEncode)
stringToEncodeStringThe binary string to encode.

Returns encodedData as a binary string. A binary string is an ASCII string containing the base64 representation of the stringToEncode.

An InvalidCharactorError (DOMException) occurs if the string contains a character that did not fit in a single byte.


The base64 object provides the base64 decoding and the base64 encoding method.


The decode() method takes a base64 encoded string and by default, returns an Uint8Array of bytes. You can specify the output format.

let bytesBuffer = base64.decode(encodedData[, outputFormat])

The return value depends on the outputFormat. If you specify bytesBuffer: Uint8Array - the decoded bytes are returned in an Uint8Array. If you specify string: A primitive string, containing the decoded bytes in each character.

encodedData: StringStringA base64 encoded string.
outputFormatString(optional) The output format.

Applicable formats:

"Uint8Array" - Uint8Array. This is the default format.
"String" - String.


The encode() method takes a Uint8Array of bytes and returns an encoded base64 string.

let encodedString = base64.encode(dataToBeEncoded)

The return value is a primitive string, containing the encoded bytes in each character.

dataToBeEncodedUint8ArrayData to be encoded in bytes.

An exception will occur when more than one argument is provided or a v8 encoded string cannot be created.


The base64url object provides the base64url decoding method and the base64url encoding method.


The decode() method takes a base64url encoded string and returns an Uint8Array of bytes (default format). You can also specify an optional argument for output format to obtain the desired output type. 

Return value depends on the outputFormat:

bytesBuffer: Uint8Array - the decoded bytes in an Uint8Array.


string: A primitive string, containing the decoded bytes in each character.

let bytesBuffer =  base64url.decode(encodedData[, outputFormat])
encodedDataStringA base64url encoded string.

An InvalidCharactorError (DOMException) occurs when the str argument is not a valid base64url string. An ExecutionError is also thrown.
outputFormatString(optional) String - the output format.

Applicable formats:

"Uint8Array" - Uint8Array. This is the default format.
"String" - String.

An InvalidCharactorError (DOMException) occurs when the str argument is not a valid base64url string. An ExecutionError is also thrown.


The encode() method takes a Uint8Array of bytes and returns an encoded base64url String. 

let encodedString =  base64url.encode(dataToBeEncoded)
dataToBeEncodedStringA primitive string, containing the encoded bytes in each character.

An exception will occur when more than one argument is provided or a v8 encoded string cannot be created.


Base16 encoding is the standard case-insensitive hex encoding and may be referred to as "base16" or "hex".


The base16.decode() method takes a base16 encoded string and returns a Uint8Array of bytes.

You can also specify the outputFormat to obtain the desired output type.

  • bytesBuffer: Uint8Array - the decoded bytes in an Uint8Array.

  • string: A primitive string, containing the decoded bytes in each character.

let bytesBuffer =  base16.decode(encodedData[, outputFormat])
encodedDataStringBase16 encoded string.

An InvalidCharactorError (DOMException) occurs when the str argument is not a valid base16 string. An ExecutionError is also thrown.
outputFormatString(optional) The output format.
Applicable formats are:
Uint8Array - Uint8Array. This is the default format
String - String

An InvalidCharactorError (DOMException) occurs when the str argument is not a valid base16 string. An ExecutionError is also thrown.


The base16.encode() method takes an Uint8Array of bytes and returns an encoded base16 String.

let encodedString = base16.encode(dataToBeEncoded)
dataToBeEncodedUint8ArrayA primitive string, containing the encoded bytes in each character.

An exception will occur when more than one argument is provided or a v8 encoded string cannot be created.