Deploy Hello World

Now that you've created the code bundle in the previous step, you can use HTTPie and httpie-edgegrid to access the ​Akamai​ APIs.

Add an EdgeWorker version

  1. Add a new version to the Hello World EdgeWorker ID.
cat <edgeworker code bundle> | http --timeout=30 --auth-type edgegrid -a <API credentials section>: POST :/edgeworkers/v1/ids/<edgeWorkerId>/versions Content-Type:application/gzip
  • Replace <edgeWorkerId> with the ID of your Hello World EdgeWorker.

  • Replace <edgeworker code bundle> with the filename and path to the Hello World code bundle.

  1. Issue this API request to verify that the EdgeWorker version was created:
http --timeout=30 --auth-type edgegrid -a <API credentials section>: POST :/edgeworkers/v1/ids/<edgeWorkerId>/activations network=<network> version=<version>
  • Replace <edgeWorkerId> with the ID of your Hello World EdgeWorker.

  • Replace <network> with STAGING.

  • Replace <version> with the version number of your Hello World EdgeWorker ID.

Activate the EdgeWorker version

  1. Activate the EdgeWorker version on the ​Akamai​ network. Note the activationId. You'll need it to monitor the activation status.
http --timeout=30 --auth-type edgegrid -a <API credentials section>: POST :/edgeworkers/v1/ids/<edgeWorkerId>/activations network=<network> version=<version>
  • Replace <edgeWorkerId> with the ID of your Hello World EdgeWorker.

  • Replace <network> with STAGING.

  • Replace <version> with the version number of your Hello World EdgeWorker ID.

  1. To monitor the activation of the EdgeWorker version, try issuing this API request.
http --timeout=30 --auth-type edgegrid -a <API credentials section>: GET :/edgeworkers/v1/ids/<edgeWorkerId>/activations/<activationId>
  • Replace <edgeWorkerId> with the ID of your Hello World EdgeWorker.

  • Replace <activationId> with the activation response.

    The activationId was provided in the previous step when the EdgeWorker ID was activated.

  1. Next, follow these instructions to test the Hello World code bundle.