This module is available to use in your EdgeWorkers code bundles to verify JWT tokens using digital signatures. This module considers JWT tokens as defined in the RFC-7519 standards document. It exports implementations of the JWTValidator class that contains functions to validate JWT tokens.

You can import the jwt module from the EdgeWorkers GitHub repo.


Constructor for new JWTValidator Object. It performs type checks on the jwtOptions Object fields.

JWTValidator(jwtOptions: JWTOptions)

JWTOptions Object

issuerString(Optional) The issuer to check with an iss claim in the JWT payload.Error(Invalid jwtOptions: issuer must be non empty string)
subjectString(Optional) The subject to check with a sub claim in the JWT payload.Error(Invalid jwtOptions: subject must be non empty string)
audienceString(Optional) The audience to check with an aud claim in the JWT payload.Error(Invalid jwtOptions: audience must be non empty string)
ignoreExpirationBoolean(Optional) If false, validate the expiry of the token.

Default is true.
Error(Invalid jwtOptions: ignoreExpiration must be boolean)
ignoreNotBeforeBoolean(Optional) If false, validate the not before claim of the token.

Default is true.
Error(Invalid jwtOptions: ignoreNotBefore must be boolean)
allowUnsecuredTokenBoolean(Optional) If true, allow unsecured JWT tokens.
For example, alg = NONE

Default is false
If false, throws unsupported unsecured JWT tokens error whenever unsecured JWT tokens are passed.
clockToleranceNumber(Optional) Number of seconds to tolerate when checking the nbf and exp claims.

Default is 60 seconds.
Error('Invalid jwtOptions: clockTimestamp must be number)


Holds JWTHeader and JWTPayload in JSON format.


algStringHas the same meaning, syntax, and processing rules as the alg Header parameter defined in Section 4.1.1 of the RFC 7515 JSON Web Signature (JWS) Tracking document. This Header parameter also identifies the cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt or determine the value of the Content Encryption Key (CEK). Refer to the JSON Web Encryption (JWE) document for more details.
typStringIs defined by JWS and JWE. It's used by JWT applications to declare the media type IANA. Refer to the Registered Claim Names for more details.


issStringThe issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
subStringThe subject claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT.
audStringThe audience claim identifies the intended recipients for the JWT.
expNumberThe expiration time claim identifies the expiration of the JWT. The JWT is not available for processing on or after the specified time.
nbfNumberThe not before claim identifies the time before which the JWT is not accepted for processing.
iatNumberThe issued at claim identifies the issue time of the JWT.
jtiStringThe JWT ID claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT. You can use the jti claim to prevent the JWT from being replayed.

async validate()

Decodes the base64 url encoded token, applies JWT default rules, and performs signature verification using keys. Returns a Promise<JWTJson> .

async validate( base64JWTToken: string, keys: CryptoKey[])

The following default rules apply to signature verification.

  • A token should have a header and a payload. JWT tokens secured in a valid base64 format should also have a signature.
  • If you enable issuer verification, the issuer string needs to match the iss claim.
  • If you enable subject verification, the subject string needs to match the sub field.
  • If you enable audience verification, the audience string needs to match the aud field.
  • Set ignoreExpiration to false, to validate the JWT exp field.
  • Set ignoreNotBefore to false, to validate the JWT nbf field.
base64JWTTokenStringThe JWT token, encoded in a valid base64url format.
keysArrayAn array of CryptoKeys used for verification. A token is valid if the signature is verifiable by any one key.


Throws an error with appropriate message if type checks fails for arguments.


You can configure the validation options using the jwtOptions parameter. You will only receive validation errors for options that you have enabled.

Error(Invalid token type, expected string!)Argument type check fails.
Error(Invalid hex string)Key passed is not valid hex format.
Error(InvalidLengthError: JWT signature is not correctly encoded)The JWT signature is not valid base64url encoded.
Error(JWT malformed: invalid iss, expected ${jwtOptions.issuer})Issuer validation does not match the iss field from the JWT payload.
Error(JWT malformed: invalid sub, expected ${jwtOptions.subject})Subject validation does not match the sub field from the JWT payload.
Error(JWT malformed: invalid aud, expected ${jwtOptions.audience})Audience validation is not present in the aud field from the JWT payload.
Error(JWT malformed: exp must be number)Expiry validation type checks fail for the exp field from the JWT payload.
Error(JWT expired)You have enabled expiry validation and the token is expired.
Error(JWT malformed: nbf must be number)Not before validation type checks fail for the nbf field from the JWT payload.
Error(JWT not active)You have enabled not before validation and the token is not active.
DOMException or TypeErrorThis error occurs if:

- You try to use invalid key data.
- The key is not an accepted key for the algorithm.
- You try to use an algorithm that is either unknown or isn't suitable for a verify operation.

JWT verification example using the HS256 algorithm

import { logger } from 'log';
import { JWTValidator } from './jwt.js';
import { crypto } from 'crypto';
import { base16 } from 'encoding';
//advanced options for jwt validator
const jwtOption = {
  //check token expiry
  ignoreExpiration: false,
  //check token nbf
  ignoreNotBefore: false
const jwtValidator = new JWTValidator(jwtOption);
export async function onClientRequest (request) {
  try {
    // Customer can load the secret key from PM user defined variable. Refer
    // const secretKey = request.getVariable('PMUSER_SECRET_KEY')
    const secretKey = '785630473867584c7a61596d6770434c324a45304d664d6c714f43566a6c6259';
    const sKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
      base16.decode(secretKey, 'Uint8Array').buffer,
        name: 'HMAC',
        hash: 'SHA-256'
    let jwt = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJPbmxpbmUgSldUIEJ1aWxkZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE2NjExNjc0NjcsImV4cCI6MTY5MjcwMzQ2NywiYXVkIjoid3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwic3ViIjoianJvY2tldEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsIkdpdmVuTmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueSIsIlN1cm5hbWUiOiJSb2NrZXQiLCJFbWFpbCI6Impyb2NrZXRAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJSb2xlIjpbIk1hbmFnZXIiLCJQcm9qZWN0IEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiXX0.JQ0lApRDEYAPr-U_b1TxCLzaZ6V0ZTFre9DABOeOKHg';
    const jwtJSON = await jwtValidator.validate(jwt,[sKey]);
    logger.log('jwtJSON %s: ',JSON.stringify(jwtJSON));
    const result = {
        jwt: jwtJSON,
        verifed: true
    request.respondWith(200, {}, JSON.stringify(result));
  } catch (error) {
    request.respondWith(400, {}, error);

JWT verification example using the RS256 algorithm

import { logger } from 'log';
import { JWTValidator } from './jwt.js';
import { crypto, pem2ab } from 'crypto';
//advanced options for jwt validator
const jwtOption = {
  //check token expiry
  ignoreExpiration: false,
  //check token nbf
  ignoreNotBefore: false
const jwtValidator = new JWTValidator(jwtOption);
export async function onClientRequest (request) {
  try {
    // Customer can load the public key from PM user defined variable. Refer
    // const secretKey = request.getVariable('PMUSER_PUBLIC_KEY')
    const publicKey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`;
    let jwtToken = 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDQ1NjY5NzMsIndtdmVyIjoyLCJ3bXZuZCI6ImlyZGV0byIsIndtaWR0eXAiOjEsIndtaWRmbXQiOiJiYXNlNjQiLCJ3bXBhdGxlbiI6MjA0OCwid21pZGxlbiI6MjA0OCwid21pZCI6Ik1qTTNNakF3TnciLCJ3bWtleXZlciI6MSwid21vcGlkIjo0MH0.NABNvn2E7J1bKDG_YkQLHnmK_HIsTnoe8I9IcZiNlAfgHhOA23wHdPZcqRwUxRd5ZwZ5piX1JlPqtbipOgkxwVB6NdEXsY1NY603zkHamLzQSSXf-9B5tBZ5KSW5jKv4PWaVAanKH99BnCsfTf6W5zoff8YHfeA2IJ03-m07pfdPmewzp7VFFnBgPbdvaN9sLcG_5-ZmlyiwmX0Z8lz-z9_GwanmB_ihZN8WE9Vb4heeymsOJnHU4ea8XLxNGXkmpW44XxqYPBP_GJ0zvAl0HAMyGgJEjcfaQ1YLhHe0tuLVQhYUBqRXwsTJmz4uaV5kb-12at214gL22FZsP0kSaQ';
    const iKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
        name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5',
        hash: 'SHA-256'
    const jwtJSON = await jwtValidator.validate(jwtToken,[iKey]);
    const result = {
        jwt: jwtJSON,
        verified: true
    request.respondWith(200, {}, JSON.stringify(result));
  } catch (error) {
    logger.log('Error: %s', error.message);
    request.respondWith(400, {}, error.message);