Region of Interest Crop
Use Region of Interest Crop to crop around a specified point of interest.
For example, you can specify the shape and size of the region of interest, and provide Image and Video Manager with cropping instructions for the width and height of the cropped area.
Image and Video Manager will crop the image while preserving as much of the region of interest as possible given the requested width and height.
You don't have to provide both dimensions
If you set only one dimension (width or height), Image and Video Manager scales the cropped area to that size, maintaining the aspect ratio of the region of interest.
For a usage example, see Crop around a focal point.
To generate the same results using the Image and Video Manager Query Language, append the following to your image URL:
If you add the IMQuery transformation to a policy, use the im
variable, and select Region of Interest Crop, you can use a query string to crop around a specified point of interest using this policy. See Syntax and Examples for the syntax for the query string parameter.
Updated about 1 year ago