Best practices for pristine images
To enable Image and Video Manager to deliver the best quality derivative images to your customers, we recommend that your original pristine images have certain characteristics.
High-quality JPEGs, PNGs for images with transparency, or GIFs, but any web format will work.
Photoshop (PSD), RAW, or SVG formats are not supported.
Files without extensions
It is best to ensure that all image files have file extensions. However, supported formats will still be optimized even if the file extension is missing.
Highest quality available.
For JPEGs, a quality level of 95 (and not lower than 85).
Image dimensions
Images between 2,000 px and 4,000 px in width is a best practice.
If you know the exact image dimensions for images on your website and resizing is part of your process, use those exact dimensions for your pristine images. There is no advantage to a pristine image with a width of 10,000 px if you will never display images at widths greater than 1920 px.
The maximum supported pixel dimensions are 9,999 pixels in either width or height, and a total pixel area of 99,980,001. Images with greater dimensions will not be optimized.
File size
Images in the 500 KB–5 MB range is a recommendation.
The maximum file size for pristine images is 128 MB. Image files larger than 128 MB will not be processed.
The raw image size limit is 2GiB.
Color profile
Images in the sRGB color profile.
If this color profile is not available, Image and Video Manager will color correct your images. This may increase the time it takes to process the image.
Image and Video Manager will apply the sRGB color profile for consistency across all browsers and devices. iPhone users will see the identical shade of red as Android users.
Updated 6 months ago