Create perceptual quality previews
You can use the tools on the Perceptual Quality Preview page to generate previews of what images will look like in different image formats, with different perceptual quality levels applied. This can help you to determine which settings to use in your image policies.
Create your previews
Click the Perceptual Quality Preview link on the Image and Video Manager Policy Manager page.
The Perceptual Quality Preview page opens.
Enter a name for your preview.
Select the browsers for which you want to create previews. Include Generic if you want to create previews for requests from browsers that do not support browser-specific formats.
Select the perceptual quality levels at which you wish to generate previews.
In the Images to include section, click Add Image. Enter the URL for the image you want to preview. Repeat for any additional images you want to preview.
Click Create Previews.
View your previews
Once you have created your previews, they appear at the top of the Perceptual Quality Preview page.
Scroll through your previews for each image.
- Requesting Browser indicates the browser format that is being previewed
- Perceptual Quality indicates the perceptual quality level being previewed
- The resulting size of the image, and the saving in bytes are also displayed.
Click Heat Map in the Preview Type field to view a heat map that shows the degree to which Image and Video Manager changed your image, then select Image to view the image again.
Click Download Report to download and save the image previews to your computer. A zip file is downloaded containing of all of the possible permutations of perceptual quality levels and requesting browsers.
Avoid losing your previews
If you do not download your preview, Image and Video Manager does not save your preview. You may still access your preview on the Perceptual Quality Preview page as long as it remains in your browser's cache, but if to ensure you don't lose your previews, downloading is recommended.
Updated 5 months ago