User location data


For user location/geographic matches, use one of the following match types:

  • Continent
  • Country
  • Region/State

Cloudlets Supported

All Cloudlets support this match type.

Types of User Location Matches

The following table lists the types of user location/geographic matches available for Cloudlets.

When you select one of these match types, fields for all available geographic options display. However, the field for the match type selected is required.

For each of these In this field you have the option of pasting in a large list of values that are separated by a delimiter. Valid delimiters include spaces, commas, and carriage returns.

Geographic Search TypeDescription
ContinentThe continent to match on.
CountryThe country to match on.
Region / StateThe region within a country to match on, like a state or province.

Setting the client IP address

For this match type, you can also select whether to use the client IP address from the connecting IP address, the X-Forwarded-For header value, or either option.

The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) HTTP header field is used to identify the originating IP address of a client that connects to the edge platform through either an HTTP proxy or a load balancer.


This match type uses the following operators:

ValueThe rule is true whenExample
is one ofis one of the incoming request includes one of the geographic locations listed in the rule’s if clause.The rule includes a match where the continents listed are Africa and Asia. In this instance, only requests coming from these continents are valid.
is not one ofthe incoming request does not include one of the geographic locations listed in the rule’s if clause.The rule includes a match where the continents listed are Africa and Asia. In this instance, requests that don’t come from these continents are valid.