Configure alert notifications

You can set up alerts for MSL 4 in Control Center​ at > COMMON SERVICES > Alerts.

Click Set up Alerts to create alerts for ingest or delivery errors, or irregular traffic patterns.

Alert nameNotifies you when
Average latency for a specific stream bitrateAverage latency for a specific stream bit rate went above the set threshold.
Average latency for a streamAverage latency for all the bit rates in a stream went above the set threshold.
Bitrate deviation for a specific stream bitrateLong-term average rate for a specific bit rate deviated from the expected value and reached a set threshold.
Input packet loss for a streamInput packet loss ratio for all the bit rates in a stream reached the set threshold.
Input packet loss for a stream bitrateInput packet loss ratio for a selected stream bit rate reached the set threshold.
Loss of a specific stream bitrateVariant HLS stream is missing.

Refer to the Alerts documentation for all available alerts.