Method 1: One to one
This method implements Media delivery type to optimize the delivery of on-demand media ("VOD") using a single property hostname.
Create a new Property Hostname
In this example, we're using Property Manager to create a new property configuration for AMD to define a new property hostname to edge hostname association to enable the appropriate delivery mode.
Create a new secure property hostname. In this example, we're using "" as the hostname.
When you reach the Mapping Solution phase of the wizard, ensure Media delivery type is selected and set Segmented Media Mode to VOD.
If you also have Edge IP Binding on your contract, it's revealed here, too. You can't use both mapping solutions in the same property hostname.
- Look at your new property hostname and verify that "VOD" has been applied as the Mapping Solution. If it has, the edge hostname that's used by this property hostname has been set to use an optimal edge map for delivery of on-demand content.
Did you create your hostname using Edge Hostname Editor?
If you used the Edge Hostname Editor in Akamai Control Center, you also need to know the complete name of your edge hostname. Follow the same process discussed above, using the Media delivery type feature to select VOD. In the next window, click the pencil icon () and choose Select existing. You're shown a list of existing edge hostnames, filtered by the specified IP Version. Locate and select the edge hostname that has "VOD" set as its Segmented Media Mode.
Segmented Media Mode delivery type vs. the Segmented Media Delivery Mode behavior
In this method, you set up a property hostname and apply the "Segmented Media Mode" delivery type. However, there's also the mandatory Segmented Media Delivery Mode behavior in the Default Rule... what's the difference?
The Segmented Media Mode Media Delivery Type. This is specifically used to determine the optimized edge map for use in delivering the selected media mode. This only applies to requests that are directed to the edge hostname applied in that specific property hostname. For example, if you create another property hostname and don't apply the media delivery type, requests to its edge hostname won't be optimized to a specific edge map.
The Segmented Media Delivery Mode behavior. This is used to apply other delivery-related optimizations for the selected mode. For this use case, you need to set Segmented Media Delivery Mode to On Demand. This is to match the Mapping Solution setting and avoid a mismatch condition.
What's next?
This is the simplest example of Media delivery type for AMD. Requests to the new edge hostname set in the Property Hostname use the optimized edge map for on-demand content and deliver that content based on how you configure rules and behaviors. So, continue to create your property configuration to apply settings in the behaviors in the Default Rule and subsequent rules, if applicable.
Once you've completed and saved the property configuration, you need to:
Updated 8 months ago