Edit target information
Edit target information
All CloudTest targets include the Target Info screen, which consists of two tabs: General and Custom Properties. The Target Info fields vary by target type. Depending on target type, some of the options below may or may not appear.
The first section of the Target Info screen shows general Information about a target.
- Name. The target's name as it appears in the Targets list as well as in Available Targets and Included Targets lists.
- Description. The optional description of the target.
- Location/WSDL/Starting URL. This field defines the location or "target" itself. The label of this field varies depending upon the type of target.
- Geographic Location. The value of this field will display in the Activity Maps widget as the label for this target in that map.
The Authentication section provides a Target user ID and password. This is crucial for target sites that require authentication.
The Image section provides a drop-down for selecting an image from the CloudTest local image repository. The selected image for a target appears in the Clip Editor icon view for all messages or actions created from this target.
Click the Choose image drop-down to select an existing repository image. The Preview field shows the current image selection. The default HTTP image is shown on the right.
Connection options
The Connection Options section provides additional configuration for the following. Default values are shown in the unedited field and should be left as is unless a specific case for revising them exists.
Socket Read Timeout. Specify the timeout for a given socket. The timeout period starts when read is called.
Connection Timeout. Specify the timeout for a given connection before getting a new connection.
Maximum Connections per Host. Specify the maximum connections per host (of those available for a given browser).
Maximum Total Connections. Specify the maximum total of connections.
Connection Refresh (in seconds). Specify the lifetime of a given connection (this is tracked in seconds). This setting overrides the default caching behavior, which often utilizes the same connection many times during the execution of a test clip. If CloudTest gets a connection older than this limit, it obtains a “fresh” connection.
Connection Idle Refresh (in seconds). Specify the lifetime of an idle connection. If CloudTest obtains a connection that has been idle longer than this limit, it obtains a “fresh” connection.
SSL options
The SSL Options section provides settings for enabling Secure Sockets Layer and related security protocols to enable an encrypted link between the test using the given target and target server(s) to ensure privacy.
Check the boxes for the SSL protocols you wish to support in your testing.
Content options
The Content Options section provides settings for clearing or releasing the response to SOAP or HTTP messages based on content length as well as for specifying response encoding (e.g. character sets).
You can specify a maximum number (in bytes) for the response content. This setting can also be set per server via the Servers > Maestro service settings (for Cloud users) as well as at the individual message level in the Clip Editor. See the Advanced Settings for a selected message's general properties.
DNS options
The DNS Options section provides the ability to set a DNS server per target, and also to specify the lookup's Time to Live (TTL), in the Target Editor. DNS Options can be used in conjunction with HttpHostOverride settings for environments where load balancing architectures are in place.
To enable any of the following options, the checkbox: This Target performs its own DNS lookups must be enabled.
- DNS Server. Specify the URL for the Domain Name Server this target will use.
- DNSMinTTL (seconds). Sets the minimum amount of time that any DNS result will be cached. This setting can increase the amount of time that a result would normally be cached, if it is more than the TTL specified in an actual * DNS result. If 0, then result caching will be disabled completely. If -1, then results will be cached up to the amount of time specified in the DNS result, with no minimum. This setting can be used to mimic the behavior of browsers such as Internet Explorer, which cache longer than the DNS result says to cache.
- DNS Maximum TTL (seconds). Specify the integer, in seconds, for the maximum time to live.
Content options
- Max receive content length. Defines the maximum number of response bytes that are stored during playback.
- Response encoding. The Response Encoding setting in the Content Options section of Target Info pertains to international character sets.
CloudTest includes support for international character sets as defined by the HTTP META tag convention. The full list of supported character sets varies by platform. For example, such as defined in the META tag below:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">
International character sets for a platform can be reviewed and then specified in the Target Editor, Content Options, Response Encoding drop-down.
The following two options allow for the inclusion of a custom Java pre-processor module to be executed against outgoing and incoming byte streams in real-time. For more info consult Akamai Technical Support or Professional Services.
- AMF custom modules required
- HTTP binary conversion
The Content options section contains a check box for HTTP Binary Conversion.
For a target with this check box checked, any HTTP traffic that is binary and whose content can be converted (not all of the binary content of all responses is convertible), that content is automatically converted to XML text and the exposed content can then be viewed, validated, and values can be extracted from it.
Advanced settings
The Advanced Settings section contains an entry to simulate an HTTP host header override. check box for HTTP Binary Conversion.
For a target with this check box checked, any HTTP traffic that is binary and whose content can be converted (not all of the binary content of all responses is convertible), that content is automatically converted to XML text and the exposed content can then be viewed, validated, and values can be extracted from it.
Split by HTTP protocol
When viewing test data, show both HTTP and HTTP2 data independently.
Before you begin
In order to run tests and view data for HTTP2 targets you need to enable Split by HTTP for your target. This only works for targets that support HTTP2.
To enable Split by HTTP protocol, you must view a test dashboard.
How to
- From the test dashboard, select the gear icon in the upper right and click Split or combine by dimension.
- Click Split by HTTP protocol.
Split by HTTP Protocol is enabled immediately.
To revert to your original setting that does not show HTTP and HTTP2 data independently, you can follow Step 1 then click Combine by HTTP protocol.
Updated about 3 years ago