Behaviors in reports

This section describes the combinations of OTA Updates behaviors that result in proper bandwidth and cars, aggregated, individual vehicle reporting, and OTA Updates API reporting.

OTA Updates behaviors for bandwidth and cars last month reporting

The following table shows the relevant bandwidth and cars reports behaviors that result in proper bandwidth and cars last month reporting. For bandwidth and cars last month reports, the UID configuration behavior is mandatory.

BehaviorsResult in Reporting
No.UID Configuration EnabledBandwidth ReportingCars Last Month Reporting

OTA Updates behaviors for aggregated reporting

The following table shows the combinations of the relevant aggregated reports behaviors that result in proper aggregated data reporting. For aggregated reports, the aggregated reporting and download marker type behaviors are mandatory, whereas the download complete marker behavior is optional.

BehaviorsResult in Reporting
No.Aggregated Reporting EnabledDownload Complete Marker EnabledRequest Type Marker (Marker Type)Aggregated Reporting
1.YesNoDownloadYes (no download increment—the completed downloads column)

OTA Updates behaviors for individual vehicle reporting

The following table shows the combinations of the relevant individual vehicle reports behaviors that result in proper individual vehicle data reporting. For individual vehicle reports, the UID configuration and request type marker behaviors are mandatory, whereas the download complete marker behavior is optional.

BehaviorsResult in Reporting
No.UID Configuration EnabledDownload Complete Marker EnabledRequest Type Marker (Marker Type)Individual Vehicle Reporting
  • Download

  • Campaign Server

  • Download and
    Campaign Server

  • Download

  • Campaign Server

  • Download and
    Campaign Server

Yes (no completed downloads status—the dnld status column)

OTA Updates behaviors for OTA Updates API reporting

The following table shows the combinations of the relevant OTA Updates API behaviors that result in proper download notifications reporting. For the OTA Updates API reporting, download notification and download complete marker behaviors are mandatory, whereas the UID configuration behavior is highly recommended.

BehaviorsResult in Reporting
No.UID Configuration EnabledDownload Notification EnabledDownload Complete Marker EnabledOTA Updates API Reporting
1.YesYesYesYes (UID, CP Code)
2.NoYesYesYes (CP Code)