Download or copy the CSRs for third-party certificates
To download or copy the Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) that Certificate Provisioning System generated, follow these steps:
How to
Click Download CSR on the Success screen of the Create New Certificate wizard, or choose Download CSR from the Actions menu next to your certificate on the CPS landing page.
The Download CSR screen appears.
Choose a Key Type (or both if you want to create a Dual Stack).
ECDSA. The default selection. ECDSA is recommended as it is the latest standard offering the best security and performance.
RSA. Legacy standard.
Click either:
Download CSR to download the file.
Copy CSR code to clipboard to copy the CSR to clipboard.
View CSR. In the ECDSA Certificate Signing Request/RSA Certificate Signing Request pop up window select all the text including beginning and ending dashes, then press Ctrl+C (or CMD+C on macOS) on your keyboard to copy it to clipboard. Click Close.
CSR restrictions
Downloaded or copied CSRs may only be used to generate and upload one leaf certificate and its corresponding trust chain. CSRs may not be reused once the signed certificates are uploaded. Signed certificates must be uploaded within 11 months of CSR generation.
Click Next to navigate to the Next Step page that provides you with the information about the next steps.
Click Done to go back to the CPS landing page.
Next steps
To upload your certificate, continue to the Upload a third-party certificate and trust chain section.
If you want to edit your deployment settings, see View and edit network deployment settings.
Updated 7 months ago