Uninstall the client

Uninstall ZTC for Windows users

Before you begin

Quit ​Akamai​ ​Zero Trust Client​.

How to

  1. Go to Start > Windows Settings and click Apps.
  2. Select ​Akamai​ ​Zero Trust Client​ and click Uninstall.
  3. Follow the instructions displayed in the uninstallation wizard.

ZTC silent uninstall for Windows users

How to

  1. Open the command line as administrator (cmd) and enter the following command to uninstall ZTC:
wmic product where "name = 'Akamai Zero Trust Client'" call uninstall /nointeractive
  1. If the setting to uninstall ​​Zero Trust Client​ on Windows machines is disabled in ​SIA​, enter this command:
msiexec /x "AZTClient-<versionNumber>-windows.msi" CODE="<entitlement_code>" /q


  • <versionNumber> is the version number of ​​Zero Trust Client​.
  • <entitlement_code> is the entitlement code.

Uninstall ZTC for macOS users

Before you begin

Quit ​Akamai​ ​Zero Trust Client​.

How to

  1. Go to Finder > Applications.
  2. Find ​Akamai​ ​Zero Trust Client​ on the list of installed applications.
  3. Right-click ​Akamai​ ​Zero Trust Client​.
  4. Click Move to Trash.
  5. Enter your computer username and password to proceed with the uninstall operation.
  6. Click OK.

ZTC silent uninstall for macOS users

How to

  1. Open the macOS terminal and enter the following commands to uninstall ZTC:
kill -9 $(pgrep AZTClient)
sudo rm -fr /Applications/Akamai\ Zero\ Trust\ Client.app