Export detected API data

You can export your detected API data to a CSV file and share it with engineers within your organization for analysis. The CSV file contains lots of additional data you don’t see in the UI and can help you and your team decide whether to protect an API.

  1. In API Discovery, click and select Download CSV.
  2. If you want, in the same menu, click View legend to learn each field’s description in the downloaded CSV file.
    Alternatively, the list of all descriptions is available below.

Export parameters

This table helps you understand the parameters that describe your detected API in an exported CSV file.

host_nameThe API’s hostname. For example: https://bookstore.api.com
base_pathThe base path where the API serves content. For example: /bookstore
resource_pathThe templatized paths for resources that include a wildcard. For example: /v1/users/*
unique_hostsThe number of this API’s unique hostnames. For non-wildcard hostnames, this is always 1.
hosts_samplesThe set of sample hostnames if a hostname includes a wildcard. For non-wildcard hostnames, this simply shows the hostname.
unique_pathsThe number of unique resource paths the API uses.
path_samplesThe sample resource paths detected for resources that include wildcards.
date_first_seenWhen the API was first detected in the Akamai network.
date_last_seenWhen the API last served traffic in the Akamai network.
format_typeThe format of the data the API returns. For example: JSON. For all available formats, see Data formats and content types.
response_content_typesThe value of the Content-Type header the API returns. For example: application/json. For all available content types, see Data formats and content types.
browser_user_agentsThe number of detected requests the API received through a browser. For details on how browser detections work, see User agents.
mobile_user_agentsThe number of detected requests the API received through a mobile device. For details on how mobile detections work, see User agents.
get_requestsThe number of detected GET requests the API received.
put_requestsThe number of detected PUT requests the API received
post_requestsThe number of detected POST requests the API received.
options_requestsThe number of detected OPTIONS requests the API received.
success_responsesThe number of detected success responses (2xx status codes) the API returned.
redirect_responsesThe number of detected redirect responses (3xx status codes) the API returned.
client_error_responsesThe number of detected client error responses (4xx status codes) the API returned.
server_error_responsesThe number of detected server error responses (5xx status codes) the API returned.
requests_last_dayThe number of detected requests sent to the API in the previous day.
last_day_compared_to_averageThe trend of the current day’s detected requests versus the average number of detected requests in the last 30 days. Either HIGHER or LOWER.
total_requestsThe number of detected requests sent to the API.
unique_ipsThe number of detected unique IP addresses that sent requests to the API.
%requests_bad_reputationThe percentage of detected requests sent to the API by clients with the reputation score greater than five.
%requests_web_attackersThe percentage of detected web attackers among the bad reputation clients.
%requests_scannersThe percentage of detected scanners among the bad reputation clients.
%requests_dos_attackersThe percentage of detected DoS attackers among the bad reputation clients.
%requests_webscrapersThe percentage of detected web scrapers among the bad reputation clients.
api_registeredWhether you registered the API entry.
waf_api_match_targetWhether you associated an API match target with the API’s hostname.
api_request_constraintsWhether you turned on the API request body and resource constraints for the API. Either OFF if the constraints are turned off, ALERT or DENY if they’re turned on.