


Retrieve a property's ID and rule tree based on the given property name.

data "akamai_property" "my_property" {
    name = "my-property-1"
    version = "1"

output "my_property" {
  value = data.akamai_property.my_property
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_property = {
      + property_id        = "prp_12345"
      + rules              = jsonencode(
              + accountId       = "act_A-CCT1234"
              + contractId      = "ctr_C-0N7RAC7"
              + etag            = "12a3b4567cd8e9012f34567g89hi01j23kl4567"
              + groupId         = "grp_12345"
              + propertyId      = "prp_12345"
              + propertyVersion = 1
              + ruleFormat      = "v2024-05-31"
              + rules           = {
                  + behaviors = [
                      + {
                          + name    = "origin"
                          + options = {
                              + cacheKeyHostname          = "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME"
                              + compress                  = true
                              + enableTrueClientIp        = true
                              + forwardHostHeader         = "REQUEST_HOST_HEADER"
                              + hostname                  = ""
                              + httpPort                  = 80
                              + httpsPort                 = 443
                              + ipVersion                 = "IPV4"
                              + minTlsVersion             = "DYNAMIC"
                              + originCertificate         = ""
                              + originSni                 = true
                              + originType                = "CUSTOMER"
                              + ports                     = ""
                              + trueClientIpClientSetting = false
                              + trueClientIpHeader        = "True-Client-IP"
                              + verificationMode          = "PLATFORM_SETTINGS"
                      + {
                          + name    = "originCharacteristics"
                          + options = {
                              + accessKeyEncryptedStorage = true
                              + authenticationMethod      = "GCS_HMAC_AUTHENTICATION"
                              + authenticationMethodTitle = ""
                              + country                   = "NORTH_AMERICA"
                              + gcsAccessKeyVersionGuid   = "12abcd3ef-45gh-67ij-890k-l1m23456n7o"
                              + originLocationTitle       = ""
                      + {
                          + name    = "contentCharacteristics"
                          + options = {
                              + catalogSize            = "MEDIUM"
                              + contentType            = "USER_GENERATED"
                              + objectSize             = "LESS_THAN_1MB"
                              + popularityDistribution = "LONG_TAIL"
                      + {
                          + name    = "clientCharacteristics"
                          + options = {
                              + country = "NORTH_AMERICA"
                      + {
                          + name    = "restrictObjectCaching"
                          + options = {
                              + maximumSize = ""
                      + {
                          + name    = "cpCode"
                          + options = {
                              + value = {
                                  + createdDate = 1708523914000
                                  + description = "My code"
                                  + id          = 12345
                                  + name        = "My CP code"
                                  + products    = [
                                      + "Obj_Delivery",
                      + {
                          + name    = "dynamicThroughtputOptimization"
                          + options = {
                              + enabled = true
                      + {
                          + name    = "http3"
                          + options = {
                              + enable = false
                  + name      = "default"
                  + options   = {}


Pass your property name and an optional version of the property in the body of the declaration to get the property's ID and rule tree.


Returned to you is the property with its rule details.

Attribute Description
property_id The property's ID.
rules A JSON-encoded rule tree for the given property.