


Get all of your Global Traffic Management domains.

data "akamai_gtm_domains" "my_domains" {
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_domains = {
      + domains = [
          + {
              + acg_id                   = "C-0N7RAC7"
              + activation_state         = "COMPLETE"
              + change_id                = ""
              + delete_request_id        = ""
              + last_modified            = "2023-09-26T18:20:53.000+00:00"
              + last_modified_by         = "jsmith"
              + links                    = [
                  + {
                      + href = ""
                      + rel  = "self"
              + modification_comments    = "My domain"
              + name                     = ""
              + sign_and_serve           = false
              + sign_and_serve_algorithm = ""
              + status                   = "2023-12-23 19:57 GMT: Current configuration has been propagated to all GTM nameservers"
          + {
              + acg_id                   = "C-0N7RAC7"
              + activation_state         = "COMPLETE"
              + change_id                = ""
              + delete_request_id        = ""
              + last_modified            = "2023-10-01T16:18:11.000+00:00"
              + last_modified_by         = "jsmith"
              + links                    = [
                  + {
                      + href = ""
                      + rel  = "self"
              + modification_comments    = "My domain 2"
              + name                     = ""
              + sign_and_serve           = false
              + sign_and_serve_algorithm = ""
              + status                   = "2023-11-23 19:57 GMT: Current configuration has been propagated to all GTM nameservers"


This data source is passed empty.


Returned are high-level details about your domains.

acg_idThe contract ID associated with the domain.
activation_stateThe activation state of your domain. One of:
  • PENDING. The change has been made but not yet propagated.
  • COMPLETE. The configuration change has propagated successfully.
  • DENIED. The domain configuration failed validation.
  • DELETED. The domain has been deleted.
change_idThe UUID that identifies a version of the domain configuration.
delete_request_idThe UUID for delete request during domain deletion. Null if not deleted.
last_modifiedThe date the domain was last modified.
last_modified_byThe user who last modified the domain.
linksThe direct URL to the domain.Contains:
  • rel. The link relationship of the object.
  • href. The fully-qualified URL that defines the resource.
modification_commentsA human-readable note about changes to the domain.
nameYour domain's name.
sign_and_serveWhether the domain's resource records were validated by a validating resolver.
sign_and_serve_algorithmThe signing algorithm used for signAndServe. One of:
  • RSA_SHA1
  • RSA_SHA256
  • RSA_SHA512
  • ECDSA_P256_SHA256
  • ECDSA_P384_SHA384
  • ED25519
  • ED448
statusYour domain's propagation status across the GTM nameservers.