
Client lists


Get a details for all of your client lists or use filters to narrow the results to a particular list name, list type, or output option.

data "akamai_clientlist_lists" "my_clientlists" {

output "my_clientlists" {
  value = data.akamai_clientlist_lists.my_clientlists
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_clientlists = {
    + id          = "c113n7l157a1bce2345f67ghi8ak9lm01n23456"
    + json        = jsonencode(
            + {
                + Items                      = null
                + createDate                 = "2023-08-14T13:54:20.870+00:00"
                + createdBy                  = "jsmith"
                + deprecated                 = false
                + itemsCount                 = 1
                + listId                     = "123456_MYLISTID"
                + listType                   = "CL"
                + name                       = "my_list_name"
                + notes                      = ""
                + productionActivationStatus = "ACTIVE"
                + productionActiveVersion    = 1
                + readOnly                   = false
                + shared                     = false
                + stagingActivationStatus    = "INACTIVE"
                + stagingActiveVersion       = 0
                + tags                       = []
                + type                       = "IP"
                + updateDate                 = "2023-08-14T13:54:20.870+00:00"
                + updatedBy                  = "jsmith"
                + version                    = 1
    + list_ids    = [
        + "123456_MYLISTID",
    + lists       = [
        + {
            + create_date                  = "2023-08-14T13:54:20.870+00:00"
            + created_by                   = "jsmith"
            + deprecated                   = false
            + items_count                  = 1
            + list_id                      = "123456_MYLISTID"
            + list_type                    = "CL"
            + name                         = "my_list_name"
            + notes                        = ""
            + production_activation_status = "ACTIVE"
            + read_only                    = false
            + shared                       = false
            + staging_activation_status    = "INACTIVE"
            + tags                         = []
            + type                         = "IP"
            + update_date                  = "2023-08-14T13:54:20.870+00:00"
            + updated_by                   = "jsmith"
            + version                      = 1
    + name        = null
    + output_text = <<-EOT
          | clientListsDS |
          | LISTID           | NAME          | TAGS | TYPE | ITEMSCOUNT | VERSION | READONLY | UPDATEDATE                    | NOTES |
          | 123456_MYLISTID  | my_list_name  | []   | IP   | 1          | 1       | false    | 2023-08-14T13:54:20.870+00:00 |       |
    + type        = null
variable "list_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "My list name"
  default     = "123456_MYLISTID"

// tvars
list_id = var.list_id


If you pass this data source empty, config_section argument in the Akamai provider block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.

Pass one or both of the filters to reduce the returned list.

nameA client list's name.
typeA client list's type.
  • GEO
  • ASN
  • TLSFingerprint
  • FileHash


Returned to you is a set of your client lists based on what you passed in the data block body.


jsonA JSON encoded representation of your client lists details. See the JSON table for its attributes.
list_idsA set of your client list IDs.
listsA set of details about each of your client lists. See the Lists table for its attributes.
nameThe name of your client list.
output_textA table representation of your client lists details. See the Output text table for its attributes.


createDateThe ISO 8601 time stamp for the client list's creation.
createdByThe name of the user who created the client list.
deprecatedWhether the client list was removed.
itemsCountThe number of items a client list contains.
listIdThe client list's ID.
listTypeA client list's type.
  • GEO
  • ASN
  • TLSFingerprint
  • FileHash
nameA client list's name.
notesComments or other human-readable details about your client list.
productionActivationStatusThe client list's activation status on the production network.
productionActiveVersionThe version number of the client list active on the production network.
readOnlyWhether the client list is editable for the authenticated user.
sharedA client list made by Akamai that's shared across customers.
stagingActivationStatusThe client list's activation status on the staging network.
productionActiveVersionThe version number of the client list active on the staging network.
tagsUser-created identifiers to filter client list searches.
typeA client list's type.
updateDateThe ISO 8601 time stamp for a client list's latest update.
updatedByThe name of the user who last updated the client list.
versionA client list's version.


create_dateThe ISO 8601 time stamp for the client list's creation.
created_byThe name of the user who created the client list.
deprecatedWhether the client list was removed.
items_countThe number of items a client list contains.
list_idThe client list's ID.
list_typeA client list's type.
  • GEO
  • ASN
  • TLSFingerprint
  • FileHash
nameA client list's name.
notesComments or other human-readable details about your client list.
production_activation_statusThe activation status on the production network.
read_onlyWhether the client list is editable for the authenticated user.
sharedA client list made by Akamai that's shared across customers.
staging_activation_statusThe activation status on the staging network.
tagsUser-created identifiers to filter client list searches.
typeA client list's type.
update_dateThe ISO 8601 time stamp for a client list's latest update.
updated_byThe name of the user who last updated the client list.
versionA client list's version.

Output text

ITEMSCOUNTThe number of items a client list contains.
LISTIDThe client list's ID.
NAMEA client list's name.
NOTESComments or other human-readable details about your client list.
READONLYWhether the client list is editable for the authenticated user.
TAGSUser-created identifiers to filter client list searches.
TYPEA client list's type.
UPDATEDATEThe ISO 8601 time stamp for a client list's latest update.
VERSIONA client list's version.