


Get a map of all possible pre- and post-verification warnings.

The CPS produces warnings when creating an enrollment or after uploading the certificate. CPS won't process a change until you acknowledge all warnings. Unless you auto-approve warnings, you need the ID to acknowledge the change.

You can use the warning IDs returned by this data source to acknowledge or auto-approve warnings. The akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment and akamai_cps_upload_certificate resources include appropriate arguments to help you do this.

data "akamai_cps_warnings" "my-warnings" {

output "my-warnings" {
  value =
Changes to Outputs:
  + my-warnings = {
      + id       = "akamai_cps_warnings"
      + warnings = {
          + CERTIFICATE_ADDED_TO_TRUST_CHAIN                                 = "Certificate Added to the new Trust Chain: <issuerX500Principal>"
          + CERTIFICATE_ALREADY_LOADED                                       = "There is a problem deploying the '<keyAlgorithm>' certificate.  Please contact your Akamai support team to resolve the issue."
          + CERTIFICATE_DATA_BLANK_OR_MISSING                                = "Certificate data is blank or missing."
          + CERTIFICATE_DATA_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM                                 = "<dataType> contains <size> entries and that exceeds the maximum of <maximum>."
          + CERTIFICATE_KMI_DATA_MISSING                                     = "No KMI data is available for the new certificate."
          + CERTIFICATE_KMI_DATA_SCHEDULED_FOR_DELETION                      = "The KMI entry was scheduled for deletion <deletedInDays> day(s) ago."
          + CERTIFICATE_KMI_DATA_WILL_BE_DELETED_TODAY                       = "The KMI entry for the new certificate will be deleted today."
          + CERTIFICATE_MISSING_CN_FROM_SAN_LIST                             = "The Common Name (CN) is missing from the SAN list for '<keyAlgorithm>' certificate."
          + CERTIFICATE_MISSING_IN_TRUST_CHAIN                               = "Certificate Missing from the new Trust Chain: <issuerX500Principal>"
          + CERTIFICATE_NOT_ACTIVE_IN_KMI                                    = "The new certificate is not active in KMI."
          + CERTIFICATE_NOT_PEM_FORMAT                                       = "This certificate format is not supported. The supported format for certificates and trust chains is PEM (base64)."
          + CERTIFICATE_NOT_YET_VALID                                        = "Certificate not yet valid; issuer [<issuer>] serial number [<serialNumber>]: [<exceptionMessage>]."
          + CERTIFICATE_NULL_OR_EMPTY                                        = "Null or empty [<certificateDescription>] Certificate."
          + CERTIFICATE_PARSING_ERROR                                        = "Error parsing certificate: [<certificateText>]. Cause: [<exceptionMessage>]."
          + CERTIFICATE_SELF_SIGNED                                          = "The Issuer and Subject of the end-entity certificate are identical. This is not allowed."
          + CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NUMBER_ON_ANDROID_BLACK_LIST                  = "The '<keyAlgorithm>' certificate may get \"Invalid CA\" errors on some Android devices, due to serial number issues."
          + CERTIFICATE_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH                                   = "Requested certificate signed with <requestedSignatureAlgorithm> signature algorithm, but got <cpsActualSignatureAlgorithm> (<actualSignatureAlgorithm>)."
          + CERTIFICATE_TRUST_CHAIN_MISSING                                  = "Certificate and/or Trust Chain data is missing."
          + VALIDATION_EXCEPTION                                             = "Validation exception: <exceptionMessage>."
          + X509_CERTIFICATE_INVALID_SIGNATURE                               = "Really shouldn't happen, x509Certificates with invalid signatures"


This data source is passed empty. The config_section argument in the Akamai provider block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.


Returned to you is a map of validation warnings for the current change you're making. The map includes both an ID needed to acknowledge a warning and a short description of an issue.