See the API's various operations for details on their request parameters and response data.
Operation | Method | Endpoint |
Client Configurations | ||
Get client configuration | GET | /configs/{configId}/client-configuration |
Update client configuration | PUT | /configs/{configId}/client-configuration |
List client versions | GET | /configs/{configId}/client-versions |
Rotate client version entitlement code | POST | /configs/{configId}/client-versions/op/rotate-entitlement-code |
Updates the client version details | PUT | /configs/{configId}/client-versions/{clientVersionId} |
Download client version details | GET | /configs/{configId}/client-versions/{clientVersionId}/download |
List client devices | GET | /configs/{configId}/client/devices |
Deactivate a client device | POST | /configs/{configId}/client/devices/{deviceId}/op/de-activate |
Re-activate a client device | POST | /configs/{configId}/client/devices/{deviceId}/op/re-activate |
Get client status | GET | /configs/{configId}/client/status |
Get the network configuration | GET | /configs/{configId}/network-configuration |
Create a network configuration | POST | /configs/{configId}/network-configuration |
Update the network configuration | PUT | /configs/{configId}/network-configuration |
Configurations | ||
List configurations | GET | /configs/all |
Onboard a contract | POST | /configs/onboard |
Get acknowledgment | GET | /configs/{configId}/acknowledgment |
Create acknowledgment | POST | /configs/{configId}/acknowledgment |
Get a custom error page | GET | /configs/{configId}/custom-error-page |
Update the custom error page | PUT | /configs/{configId}/custom-error-page |
Get the first time wizard state | GET | /configs/{configId}/firstTimeWizard |
Update first time wizard | PUT | /configs/{configId}/firstTimeWizard |
Get a bulk log export destination config | GET | /configs/{etpConfigId}/log-export |
Create a bulk log export destination config | POST | /configs/{etpConfigId}/log-export |
List bulk log export schedule configurations | GET | /configs/{etpConfigId}/log-export/schedule |
Disable a bulk log export schedule | POST | /configs/{etpConfigId}/log-export/schedule/{logExportScheduleId}/op/disable |
Enable a bulk log export schedule | POST | /configs/{etpConfigId}/log-export/schedule/{logExportScheduleId}/op/enable |
Update a bulk log export destination config | POST | /configs/{etpConfigId}/log-export/{id} |
Connection Credentials | ||
List proxy credentials | GET | /configs/{configId}/proxy-credentials |
Create a proxy credential | POST | /configs/{configId}/proxy-credentials |
Remove a proxy credential | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/proxy-credentials/{userName} |
List proxy credential details | GET | /configs/{configId}/proxy-credentials/{userName} |
List VPN credentials | GET | /configs/{configId}/vpn-credentials |
Create a VPN credential | POST | /configs/{configId}/vpn-credentials |
Delete a VPN credential | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/vpn-credentials/{ikeId} |
Get a VPN credential | GET | /configs/{configId}/vpn-credentials/{ikeId} |
Custom responses | ||
List custom responses | GET | /configs/{configId}/honeypots |
Create a custom response | POST | /configs/{configId}/honeypots |
Delete a custom response | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/honeypots/{honeypotId} |
Get a custom response | GET | /configs/{configId}/honeypots/{honeypotId} |
Update a custom response | PUT | /configs/{configId}/honeypots/{honeypotId} |
Deployments | ||
List configuration deployments | GET | /configs/{configId}/deployments |
Create a configuration deployment | POST | /configs/{configId}/deployments |
Get a configuration deployment | GET | /configs/{configId}/deployments/{configDeploymentId} |
List deployment changes | GET | /configs/{configId}/deployments/{configDeploymentId}/diff |
List recent changes | GET | /configs/{configId}/recentChanges |
Data Loss Prevention Dictionary | ||
List DLP dictionaries | GET | /configs/{configId}/dictionaries |
Create a DLP dictionary | POST | /configs/{configId}/dictionaries |
Remove a DLP dictionary | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/dictionaries/{dictionaryId} |
Get a DLP dictionary | GET | /configs/{configId}/dictionaries/{dictionaryId} |
Update a DLP dictionary | PUT | /configs/{configId}/dictionaries/{dictionaryId} |
List DLP dictionary patterns | GET | /configs/{configId}/patterns |
Create a DLP pattern | POST | /configs/{configId}/patterns |
List DLP regular expressions | GET | /configs/{configId}/patterns/regexes |
Create DLP regexes | POST | /configs/{configId}/patterns/regexes |
Get a DLP regex | GET | /configs/{configId}/patterns/regexes/{regexId} |
Delete a DLP dictionary pattern | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/patterns/{patternId} |
Get a DLP dictionary pattern | GET | /configs/{configId}/patterns/{patternId} |
Lists | ||
List all Akamai built-in security lists | GET | /akamai-lists |
Clear the DNS cache | POST | /configs/{configId}/clear-dns-cache |
List all lists | GET | /configs/{configId}/lists |
Create a list | POST | /configs/{configId}/lists |
List global list quotas | GET | /configs/{configId}/lists/quota |
Remove a list | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/lists/{listId} |
Get details of a list | GET | /configs/{configId}/lists/{listId} |
Update a list | PUT | /configs/{configId}/lists/{listId} |
Search in a list | GET | /configs/{configId}/lists/{listId}/items |
Patch a list | PATCH | /configs/{configId}/lists/{listId}/items |
Modify list items | PUT | /configs/{configId}/lists/{listId}/items |
Tenant and Delegated Access | ||
Onboard a tenant | POST | /configs/{configId}/onboard-tenant |
List all tenants | GET | /configs/{configId}/tenants |
Remove a tenant | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/tenants/{tenantId} |
Get a tenant | GET | /configs/{configId}/tenants/{tenantId} |
Update a tenant | PUT | /configs/{configId}/tenants/{tenantId} |
List the tenant user details | GET | /configs/{configId}/tenants/{tenantId}/users |
Notifications | ||
Get notification configuration | GET | /configs/{configId}/notifications-config |
Create notifications configs | POST | /configs/{configId}/notifications-config |
Update the notifications configs | PUT | /configs/{configId}/notifications-config |
Get notification configuration for type | GET | /configs/{configId}/notifications-config/{notificationType} |
Update the subscribers to notification type | PUT | /configs/{configId}/notifications-config/{notificationType} |
Policies | ||
List policies | GET | /configs/{configId}/policies |
Create a policy | POST | /configs/{configId}/policies |
Remove a policy | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/policies/{policyId} |
Get a policy | GET | /configs/{configId}/policies/{policyId} |
Update a policy | PUT | /configs/{configId}/policies/{policyId} |
List policy metadata | GET | /configs/{configId}/policy-metadata |
List built-in responses | GET | /responses |
List security category predefined configurations | GET | /securityCategories |
Security connectors | ||
List security connectors | GET | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes |
Create a security connector | POST | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes |
List the current security connector versions | GET | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/latest-version |
Get the security connector's latest available version | GET | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/sc-latest-versions |
Delete a security connector | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/{sinkholeId} |
Get a security connector | GET | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/{sinkholeId} |
Change local security connector password | POST | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/{sinkholeId}/op/change-local-password |
Generate activation code for a security connector | POST | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/{sinkholeId}/op/generate-activation-code |
Upgrade a security connector | POST | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/{sinkholeId}/op/upgrade |
Update a security connector | PUT | /configs/{configId}/akamai-sinkholes/{sinkholeId}/policy-assignment |
Sites | ||
List DNS VIPs | GET | /configs/{configId}/dns-vips |
List global settings | GET | /configs/{configId}/global-settings |
Update global settings | PUT | /configs/{configId}/global-settings |
List sites | GET | /configs/{configId}/sites |
Create a site | POST | /configs/{configId}/sites |
Get site meta info | GET | /configs/{configId}/sites-meta-info |
Remove a site | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId} |
Get a site | GET | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId} |
Update a site | PUT | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId} |
List sub-locations | GET | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId}/sub-locations |
Create a sublocation | POST | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId}/sub-locations |
Remove a sublocation | DELETE | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId}/sub-locations/{subLocationId} |
Get a sublocation | GET | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId}/sub-locations/{subLocationId} |
Update a sublocation | PUT | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId}/sub-locations/{subLocationId} |
Assign a policy to a sublocation | POST | /configs/{configId}/sites/{siteId}/sub-locations/{subLocationId}/op/assign-policy |
Certificates | ||
List proxy certificates | GET | /customers/{configId}/certificates |
Create a new proxy certificate | POST | /customers/{configId}/certificates |
Get a proxy certificate | GET | /customers/{configId}/certificates/{certificateId} |
Modify a proxy certificate | PUT | /customers/{configId}/certificates/{certificateId} |
Activate a proxy certificate | POST | /customers/{configId}/certificates/{certificateId}/op/activate |
Confirm proxy certificate distribution | POST | /customers/{configId}/certificates/{certificateId}/op/confirm-distribution |
Confirm proxy certificate download | POST | /customers/{configId}/certificates/{certificateId}/op/confirm-download |
Deactivate a proxy certificate | POST | /customers/{configId}/certificates/{certificateId}/op/deactivate |