Metadata Tracer
This Metadata tracer tool traces metadata for a URL configured in Property Manager. You can use it for the current property version active either on staging or production.
With this tool you can trace metadata tags applied to a request and visually confirm if the appropriate metadata tags got applied in the right moment.
Submit a request
Learn how to submit a request in the Metadata tracer tool.
Go to ☰ > SUPPORT > Edge Diagnostics.
In the side menu, select
> Metadata tracer.
Into the URL field, enter the URL you want to trace metadata for.
In the staging environment, the tool doesn't support zone apex mapped (ZAM) URLs and and hostnames lacking a CNAME.
Select the Request method: GET, POST, or HEAD. The default method is GET.
Configure the request based on the selected request method.
Botman and WAF rules
If your configuration has Bot Manager or other WAF products' rules enabled, we recommend to add the user agent request header to the request. This improves the request's success rate.
a. Select up to 10 Locations you want to run the request from. b. Add the Content-Type Request header with one of the following values: multipart/form-data , text/plain , text/html , application/xml , application/json , or application/javascript .c. Optional: Add other Request header to simulate user traffic and for debugging purpose. It needs to follow the format: Header: value. For example, User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36. Check this list of user agents for possible values. d. Optional: Click Add another header to add more request headers. To add Akamai Pragma headers, click Add Pragma headers. To learn more, check Pragma headers. e. Optional: Enter the POST request body. For safety, ensure the request and response don’t contain sensitive information and test on non-production data only. | a. Select whether you want to run the request from a Location or Edge server IP. Enter up to 10 values. Note that the edge server IP is not the edge server from where the request is served, but the HTTP client IP from where the request initiated. b. Optional: Add a Request header to simulate user traffic and for debugging purpose. It needs to follow the format: Header: value. For example, User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36. Check this list of user agents for possible values. c. Optional: Click Add another header to add more request headers. To add Akamai Pragma headers, click Add Pragma headers. To learn more, check Pragma headers. |
- Select whether the property you want to trace metadata is active on Production or Staging.
- Click Submit.
What you should see
If you entered more than one location or edge server IP, Edge Diagnostics divides your input; one request per one location or edge server IP. All requests appear in the Recent requests table. Click in the table's corner to see only your requests.
Next steps
Click your request’s row to check the results. If you see in the Actions column, it means, that your request could not be processed and you need to retry.
The metadata tracer shows metadata applied to a URL of the current property version active either on staging or production. In the Summary tab, you have the mapping between the XML metadata tags and the corresponding Property Manager's behaviors for a default rule together with information whether they got applied and executed. There are four possible execution status:
- Success. At least one behavior tag was applied and executed in a metadata stage.
- Partial success. Simultaneously, at least one behavior tag was applied and
executed and at least one tag was applied but failed to execute in a metadata stage. - Failure. The behavior tag was applied but failed to execute in a metadata stage.
Not executed - the behavior tag was not applied and not executed in a metadata stage. - Not executed. The behavior tag was not applied and executed.
The XML line for each behavior refers to the XML view of the results. To check details for an execution, find the corresponding line in the XML tab.
Exit code 92
If you got the exit code 92 in response headers, try resubmitting the request with request headers relevant to your request.
XML view
Open the XML tab to view the detailed metadata tracer response. Check How to read the results for more details.
Updated about 2 months ago