Evaluation messages
These messages returned by ESI Debugger pertain to the ESI processing and fall into three categories:
- Info. Advise you about general ESI processing.
- Warning. Occur when there has been an ESI processing problem but it is not necessarily a serious error that will affect the page display.
- Error. Represent serious errors that will affect the page display.
Message number | Type | Error text | Description |
2000 | Info | Line n .Processing next branch of conditional structure. | The conditional expressions evaluated to false, so ESI is proceeding to the next otherwise statement. |
2001 | Info | Line n . All conditional branches failed. | In this case, all conditional expressions evaluated to false, and there is no otherwise block. ESI processing continues as if there were no conditional block. |
2002 | Info | Line n . WHEN expression evaluated TRUE . | |
2003 | Info | Line n . WHEN expression evaluated FALSE . | |
2004 | Info | Line n . Your code ran successfully. | Either this message or message for 2005 will be the last line in the evaluation section. |
2005 | Error | Line n . Your code did not run successfully. | Either this message or message for 2004 will be the last line in the evaluation section. |
2006 | Warning | Line n . Failed fetching fragment frag_name . | There could be a number of causes. For example:
2007 | Info | Line n . Including fragment frag_name . | |
2008 | Error | Line n .Failed fetching fragment frag_name . Request hit resource boundary. | One of two limits has been violated:
The limit is for both src and alt attempts. A fetch on the alt object is only attempted and counted if the src fails. In processing a page, the edge server attempts all src objects before attempting to fetch alt objects. |
2009 | Error | Line n . Failed fetching fragment frag_name . Error in path or host. | The path specified in the code contains illegal characters or other formatting errors. |
2010 | Error | Your code is too big. Your total file size must be less than xx bytes. | The sum of the sizes of files to be fetched and included, including nested objects, exceeds the limit. Default limit is 1 megabyte. |
2011 | Info | The document contains no ESI tags. | The file was nominated for ESI parsing by the configuration file or edge-control header metadata, but no ESI tags were found in the file. |
2012 | Error | Line n . Bad regular expression text . | A regular expression was formed incorrectly in the matches operator. |
2013 | Error | A processor of type type1 may only instantiate a processor of the same type. It is trying to instantiate a processor of type type2 . This is not allowed. Please modify your metadata or response headers to instantiate the correct type of processor. | Currently, this means that an XSLT parent cannot include an ESI fragment. |
2014 | Error | Line n . Unknown processing specified. dca must be one of none , esi , xslt , or akamaizer . | The dca attribute of the esi:include statement can be one of the four values. |
2016 | Info | Your ESI source file is too large to display the line numbers with the source. Only ESI source code less than %d bytes will show line numbers in the debug output. | To be processed by ESI, the source file size must be less than 1 MB. However, the size that can be included in the debug message is smaller. The maximum value is currently 200,000 bytes. The entire report is sent, but the source code is not enumerated. |
2017 | Error | You are attempting to include a file fragment without processing the fragment. Either the fragment and the container page must be from the same hostname or your edge server configuration must be set up to enable the fragment to be included from any hostname. | You have attempted to include a fragment that is not known to the edge server. The fragment must either be from the same host name, or ESI processing must be enabled in your edge server configuration file. If the configuration is set not to require strict domain checking, that setting must be enabled for the fragment’s URI, not the template’s, to avoid this error. |
2018 | Error | You are attempting to include a stylesheet from a different hostname than the xml file. Your xml uses the hostname %s . Your stylesheet uses the hostname %s . Either the stylesheet and the xml page must be from the same hostname or your edge server configuration must be set up to enable the xml file to include a stylesheet from any hostname. | You have attempted to include a fragment that is not known to the edge server. The fragment must either be from the same host name, or you must enable processing a stylesheet from any host name in your edge server configuration file. |
2019 | Info | Setting stylesheet global param - "%s" value - \’%s\’ . | This reports the value you set with an esi:param name attribute. |
2020 | Error | Function [name] fails. | The named function has failed to evaluate. |
2021 | Error | Unknown function [name] . | A function name was used that ESI does not recognize. |
2023 | Info | Function [name] returns value: [value] . | Reports the value returned by a function. |
2024 | Error | Line n . Multibyte characters cannot be evaluated in a regular expression. | The has_i , matches , and matches_i operators cannot be used with multibyte characters. |
2025 | Error | Multibyte characters are not allowed in $list_delitem() | The $list_delitem() function does not accept multibyte characters. |
2026 | Error | $from/to_utf8() may only be used on multibyte pages. | The $convert_to_unicode() or $convert_from_unicode() was used on a page that is not set up for multibyte encoding. |
2028 | Error | Transcoding from EncodingA to EncodingB failed. | A transcoding failed using $convert_to_unicode() or $convert_from_unicode() to convert between EncodingA and EncodingB . |
2029 | Error | Bad regular expression abc | The Akamaizer , used to Akamaize ESI pages, found a bad regular expression. |
2030 | Error | Unknown replacement regex def | The Akamaizer could not read the replacement regular expression. |
2031 | Error | $( sign not closed in regex replacement. | The Akamaizer found the beginning of a variable $( , but no closing parenthesis. |
2032 | Info | Replacing object abc with def . | Success: replacing one object with another. |
2033 | Info | Testing object abc against regex def . | Testing the object against the regex expression. |
2034 | Info | Source encoding detected: charset . | Using a multibyte character set, ESI has detected and is using the reported character set. |
2035 | Error | The maximum limit (n1 ) of substitutions was reached: subst = n2 | When using the Akamaizer , the maximum number of back references and variable references in the substitution expression has been reached. The maximum is 100. |
2036 | Error | The maximum request size of n1 bytes was exceeded. Current size: n2 bytes | A forward request generated by ESI cannot exceed a certain size. As of version X, that size is 64K. |
2037 | Error | The maximum header value size of n bytes was exceeded. Value truncated. | A header value, set via $set_header or $set_redirect , cannot exceed a certain size. As of version X, that size is 60000. |
2038 | Info | This processor of type %s is formed through daisy chaining. | This describes how a processor is created. For example dca=esi->akamaizer . |
2039 | Error | You have attempted to instantiate a fragment with an unknown processor type. | The processor type can only be esi , xslt , akamaizer , or none . |
2040 | Error | Invalid url requested: URL | An error parsing a URL, usually in an <esi:include> . |
2041 | Error | An <esi:break> statement was detected outside of a loop - probably in a function definition. | The <esi:break> statement can be placed only inside an iteration loop, the <esi:foreach> block. |
2042 | Error | Maximum depth of user defined functions exceeded ( %d >= %d ) | You can set up recursion inside a user-defined function, but not to a level greater than that set in configuration. |
2043 | Error | Line n. You are trying to run a request using a processor type of type %s . You are not authorized to use this type of processor. | If your configuration is not set up to allow for the processor type, like ESI or EdgeJava, you cannot call that processor in your ESI code. For example, as an <esi:include> dca=processor attribute. |
2044 | Error | You are using too many includes on your page. You are only allowed to use %d includes. | The maximum number of includes allowed is 65 by default, including the current page and any nested pages. This is configurable in your edge server configuration but too many includes can also impact performance. |
2045 | Error | You are exceeding the recursion limit of %d levels. | The maximum number of nested includes allowed is 15 by default, starting with the main template. This is configurable in your edge server configuration but too many levels can also impact performance. |
Updated over 1 year ago