Installation and uninstallation issues

This section provides guidance on troubleshooting common issues encountered during Guardicore Platform Agent installation and uninstallation processes. Guardicore Platform Agent generates log files during installation and uninstallation. You can use these logs to identify the root cause of any problems you might face when deploying the agent.

Installer and uninstaller log location on Windows

Guardicore Platform Agent installer and uninstaller log files are available in the following directories:

  • Installer logs. The installer log filename is randomly generated by msiexec. You can find this filename in the install-log-name.txt file within your installation directory.
  • Uninstaller logs. Located at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\MSIXXXXX.log

Installer and uninstaller log location on macOS

Guardicore Platform Agent installer and uninstaller log files are available in the following directories:

  • Installer logs. Appended to /var/log/install.log
  • Uninstaller logs. Located at /var/log/AZT_uninstall.log


Guardicore Platform Agent installer logs are appended to system-wide OS logs. They may be overwritten, so it's essential to copy them as soon as possible if you encounter issues.

MDM blocking Guardicore Platform Agent installation

If your company uses an MDM solution, the Guardicore Platform Agent installation might fail due to restrictions imposed by your MDM policy. Ensure that your MDM policy permits uninstallation of existing standalone clients (EAA Client, ETP Client, Centra Agent) on devices being upgraded to Guardicore Platform Agent.

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable issues

During Guardicore Platform Agentinstallation on Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is installed if not already present. You might encounter a warning message if it's already installed:

Click OK to proceed; the client should install and run successfully, unless there's an issue with your Visual C++ Redistributable installation.