Diagnostics and agent logs

This section provides advanced users and IT administrators with tools and information to troubleshoot issues or test configurations within ​Akamai​ Guardicore Platform Agent.

Enable debug logging

Debug logging generates comprehensive debug information about Guardicore Platform Agent and connectivity to applications. This option may impact performance due to extensive log output. Primarily intended for support and engineering troubleshooting.

  1. Click the Guardicore Platform Agent icon in the Windows tray bar or the macOS menu bar.
  2. In the Guardicore Platform Agent window, Click Settings.
  3. In the Settings pane, toggle Debug Log.
  4. If you are enabling debug logging, a confirmation dialog opens. Click Apply.
    Debug logging is now enabled. Remember to disable this feature once you complete troubleshooting.

Run agent diagnostics

The Diagnostics menu provides two primary diagnostic tools: Quick Test and Full Diagnostics.

Quick Test

Quick Test examines the status of Access and Threat Protection, their connectivity, and configuration status. Results are indicated with icons: green (✓) for success, red (✗) for failure, and orange (!) for disabled components or interrupted tests. To run a test, do the following:

  1. Click the Guardicore Platform Agent icon in the Windows tray bar or the macOS menu bar.
  2. In the Guardicore Platform Agent window, click Diagnostics > Quick Test.
  3. In the Quick Test tab, click Run Quick Test to start diagnosing the agent.

If all checks pass, green icons appear next to each item. If any tests fail (red icons), consider these steps:

  • For configuration failures only, perform a sync operation.
  • If all checks fail or for connectivity failures, contact your Guardicore Platform Agent administrator to verify that agent services are allowed in your organization's firewall.
  • Take screenshots of failed diagnostics, along with device ID, Guardicore Platform Agent version, and logs, and share them with your Guardicore Platform Agent administrator or ​Akamai​ support.

Full Diagnostic

Full Diagnostic performs a comprehensive analysis of the agent and generates detailed logs for further troubleshooting. These logs are useful when working with IT administrators or seeking assistance from ​Akamai​ support. To run the diagnostics, do the following:

  1. Click the Guardicore Platform Agent icon in the Windows desktop tray bar or the macOS menu bar.
  2. In the Guardicore Platform Agent window, click Diagnostics > Full Diagnostics.
  3. In the Full Diagnostics tab, click Run Full Diagnostic to start diagnosing the agent.
  4. Wait for the process to complete.
    1. Click Send to Admin to share the logs with your administrator. Guardicore Platform Agentuploads the log archive to Enterprise Center where an administrator can review them.
    2. Click Download to create a zip file on your drive containing all generated log files.
      1. Select a directory for the zip file.
        The Notifications pane opens.
      2. In the Notifications pane, you can see the filename and location of the saved logs. Click Open containing folder to open the log archive's location. You can access these logs using a text editor or share them with your IT administrator for troubleshooting purposes.