Before you begin
To use Edge IP Binding, you need to meet certain requirements and understand some key points.
Edge IP Binding must be included on your contract. Work with your account representative to get this service, for the applicable product.
You need to use a supported product. EIPB support is offered for use with these products:
- Adaptive Media Delivery
- Download Delivery
- Internet of Things
- Object Delivery
- Ion
- API Acceleration
- Dynamic Site Accelerator
Edge IP Binding is intended for zero-rated billing environments and IPACL. You can deliver traffic from a small static set of IP addresses that you share with third parties parties for Zero-rated billing (ZRB) and Access Control List (ACL) purposes.
- ZRB involves a third party, such as a mobile carrier that establishes a partnership with you to offer their traffic at no cost to your end users; or to prevent counting it against a data capacity threshold ("data cap"). Since identifying this type of traffic can be difficult, the solution is to provide you, as our customer, a number of fixed IP addresses that can be used exclusively for these purposes. This is what Edge IP Binding does.
- You may need static IP addresses to share with your own customers or technical partners. They can add these addresses to their outbound firewall Access Control List and reduce the attack surface of sensitive resources.
If your delivery scenario only includes non-zero-rated billing traffic, avoid serving it through Edge IP Binding.
In your property configuration, you can only create a single property hostname to use Edge IP Binding. If you create an additional property hostname and enable it, it won't be applied and the proper CNAME chain won't be created. If you need to include multiple vanity hostnames in your property, set them in a single property hostname using the Add Hostname field, and enable Edge IP Binding for that property hostname.
EIPB is not FedRamp-compliant. If you need to protect connections to your content with FedRAMP security, you can't use EIPB in your property.
There's a slight latency impact. Edge IP Binding introduces an additional hop to the request flow, so a request may take slightly longer.
Updated 5 days ago