Fine-tune settings after you've activated

The features you set up in Control Center's wizard is a subset of what's included in your product. Even though you've made your basic configuration, you can still explore the more advanced options.

Why do I need this?

The process you've gone through to set up your hostname quickly on our network combined basic versions of several of our products and workflows. While the features in the wizard are designed to let you start serving traffic on the ​Akamai​ network quickly, you may want more specific control over how our edge servers handle your content.

How do I edit my settings after activation?

Once you activate your settings, you cannot make additional changes in Control Center's wizard. However, you can change how our edge servers handle your content by editing settings in each setting type's specific application. For example, if you set up Web Application Protector, you'll adjust those settings in the Web Application Protector application.

Where to edit your settings:

Note that all location directions start from the menu.

Setting typeWhich application?Location
Delivery (Ion, DSA, RMA, DSD)Property Manager > CDN > Properties
Edge certificatesCertificate Provisioning System > CDN > Certificates
SecurityWeb Application Protector

App & API Protector
> WEB & DATA CENTER SECURITY > Security Configurations > Web Security

Special requirements

You may need specific permission in order to access some of these applications. If you do not see your configurations, certificates, or other objects, contact your admin and ensure you have the correct access rights.