Allow staging IP addresses through your firewall
If you use the Akamai staging network to test your configurations, allow the IP addresses of the staging servers to access your origin.
Go to ☰ > COMMON SERVICES > Firewall change notifications.
Go to the Manage Subscriptions tab and click Subscribe users.
Perform the following actions:
a) In the Email address field, enter your email address.
b) In the Service field, depending on the type of network you use, select:
– Edge Staging Network for standard TLS
– Secure Edge Staging Network for enhanced TLS
c) Click Subscribe.
You get an email with a list of CIDR blocks available for your staging network.
You also get a notification whenever any CIDR blocks are newly available or removed from the rotation for the staging network.
- Go to your firewall and edit the settings to allow the CIDR blocks you got in the email as a new entry line.
The staging IP addresses are different from the production Site Shield IPs. If you want to allow access from both networks, you will need two separate entries in your firewall.
Updated over 1 year ago