Navigate Security Center

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Security Center navigation

Features of Security Center

  1. Dashboard

    Examine high-level information on security events, traffic, and attack activity. Access the comprehensive Web Security dashboard or dashboards for your Client-Side Protection & Compliance or routed services.

  2. Trends

    Look over the trends in the traffic and attack activity over the previous 90 days. You can also drill down into smaller time frames to examine patterns around specific events. Information is classified into several categories, including reputation activity, app protection, custom rules, bot traffic, and DoS protection.

  3. Analysis

    Get more insight into protecting your API endpoints against bots or suspicious scripts. Access additional reports, including a report on how well your planned update of the ruleset is performing. In Web Security Analytics see visualized data from many products and capabilities, and across numerous dimensions.

  4. Tools

    Target specific issues in the product consoles or generate a report.

  5. Events

    View the configuration changes and update messages for your security products.

Security Center menu bar

The menu bar contains the following options.

a. The security configuration version for which the data is displayed.

b. The link to open the Security Configuration management page.

c. The time period for which the data is displayed for all the graphs.

d. Scheduled reports menu.