Create an alert
You can create an alert by configuring its filter, threshold, and settings.
You can have 10 customer-owned and 10 Akamai-owned alerts per security configuration, so there can be up to 20 alerts in total. Your current quota count is available at the bottom of the left-hand column on the alert configuration page.
Select the Alerts tab, click the add alert , and select New Alert to open the CREATE NEW ALERT area.
If you want to create an alert from a predefined template instead, select the template from the menu.
Set up an alert filter
You can use filters to target your alert on specific attack vectors.
Select the Filter tab.
Create a data filter in WSA to target specific attack traffic. Click Apply.
Ensure the data that appears is correct.
Click to copy the filter information to the alert's Filter tab.
Set up an alert threshold
Setting the alert's threshold determines under what conditions it will trigger.
Select the Threshold tab.
Select either the Predefined sensitivity button to choose from three predefined threshold levels or the Advanced sensitivity button to define a custom threshold.
If desired, you can group the request count by one or more dimensions—Connecting IP Address, Connecting Country/Area, Hostname, Path, Policy, and Status Code —by selecting them from the menu under Count requests grouped by the following dimensions.
When you group the requests by dimensions, the conditions based on which thresholds increase become more specific. For example, if you group by hostname and specify a threshold of 10, the associated alert will trigger only if more than 10 requests hit a specific hostname (for example, hostname A). If 6 requests hit hostname A and another 5 requests hit hostname B, the alert won't trigger.
Configure alert settings
Alert settings include properties such as alert name, description, email addresses where alert should be sent, and alert priority.
Select the Settings tab.
Enter an Alert Name and, if you want, an Alert Description.
Ensure these two fields are descriptive and meaningful. Both the name and the description are visible in the user interface and alert notification emails.
If you want, enter the email addresses (Send to) to get a notification when an alert is triggered.
If you need to send an alert notification to many recipients, use a mailing list rather than individual addresses.
Select the desired Priority of the email notifications (Low, Medium, or High).
Priority won't affect how the system processes alerts, but rather is for your informational use.
If you want to enable the alert right away, click the Enable Alert slider to move it to Yes.
Click Save.
In the Create Alert dialog's Comment box, enter a comment for the operation and click Create.
Updated 17 days ago