Get help and advanced insights with AI Assistant

To quickly see what’s happening and better understand results, turn to the AI Assistant. Create the view you want simply by asking for it. This new easy way to navigate Web Security Analytics lets you:

  • enter intuitive natural language prompts to see results you want instead of time-consuming hunt-and-peck selections.
  • apply filters, customize views, and switch between views effortlessly.
  • perform in-depth analysis faster with less steps.
  • skip the need for technical security reporting expertise.


Sample commands

You can ask the AI Assistant things like:

Show me traffic from the last 24 hours.

Display only SQL injection attacks.

Add a filter to show only mitigated requests.

Take me to bot analysis view.

Switch back to my first view.

Add a bar chart that shows attack types.

Add a widget showing connecting IP addresses.

To get started with AI Assistant, contact your account team today and let them know. There’s no additional charge, but you do need to opt in to enjoy all the benefits AI Assistant offers.


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Share your experience with us. Click the thumbs up icon, if you're happy with results, or click thumbs down to share feedback on how we can improve.