Media Services Live reports
Media Services Live reports give you insight into the delivery of your live streaming content reporting metrics, including asset usage and viewer experience. They let you monitor traffic, visitors, and video streaming, and identify key trends of your Media Services Live solutions via Akamai Control Center interfaces.
You can access the reports from the Reports menu. See How to use reports.
Media Services Live 4 Realtime report
The Media Services Live 4 Realtime report lets you monitor ingest quality and availability for HTTP-based ingest (HLS/HDS/DASH) as well as RTMP-based ingest. It provides a summary as well as additional information for accelerated streams.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
CP code (required). Content provider (CP) codes let you segment your delivered content for tracking and reporting purposes. All CP codes have ties to one or more services, which are tracked and reported under that CP code.
Unique endpoint (optional). Enter the path to a unique endpoint you use to filter report data specifically to that endpoint. The unique endpoint is the URL path after the Stream ID in the ingest URL. For manifest files, the file name is part of the unique endpoint. For segment requests, the file name (last path element) is omitted. It also indicates the bit rate of the stream. Examples:
For manifest files:
For segment requests:
Chunked transfer (optional). For Ingest acceleration report tab, you can filter on streams that include the
Transfer-encoding: chunked
HTTP Header. Note that it's available for streams published with the Chunked Transfer Encoding enabled.
Date range
Certain widgets in this report only use the most recent two-minute aggregate data when displaying information. For example, if you set the start date to 6/18/2023 and the end date to 6/21/2023, with a start time of 6:00 and an end time of 9:00, the widget displays Data shown below - From 08:58 to 09:00 on June 21 2023. Only data from that period is used.
Active streams. Streams active during a selected time period.
Avg bitrate. Average amount of data transferred in a unit of time, calculated in terms of bits per second. It is expressed in kbps, Mbps, or Gbps. Note that values reported don't include manifest requests.
Ingest hits. Total number of requests made to the entry point posting objects.
Error rate. Rate of errors occurring in a unit of time, expressed as a percentage.
Active streams. Various data for each active stream, within the two-minute aggregation period. On the Summary report tab, the information includes:
Stream ID. Unique identifier Akamai assigns to the MSL 4 stream.
Unique endpoint. URL path after the Stream ID in the ingest URL. This indicates the bit rate of the stream.
CP code. Unique identifier assigned to a contract associated with a particular stream.
File extension. File extension of the ingested object. For example, .mp4 or .m3u8.
Encoder IP. IP address of the encoder generating the stream.
Stream type. Type of stream, either Primary or Backup.
Entry point. IP address of the entry point from which the stream was ingested.
Average bitrate. Average bit rate of the stream.
Error rate. Rate of errors occurring in a unit of time, expressed as a percentage.
Active streams. Various data for each active stream, within the two-minute aggregation period. On the Ingest Acceleration report tab, the information includes:
Stream ID. Unique identifier Akamai assigns to the MSL 4 stream.
Unique endpoint. URL path after the Stream ID in the ingest URL. This indicates the bit rate of the stream.
CP code. Unique identifier assigned to a contract associated with a particular stream.
File extension. File extension of the ingested object. For example, .mp4 or .m3u8.
Source IP. IP address of the origin.
Entry point. IP address of the entry point from which the accelerated stream was ingested.
Average bitrate. Average bit rate of the accelerated stream.
Average latency. Average latency during delivery for each accelerated stream.
Average packet loss. Average packet loss count during delivery for each accelerated stream.
Error rate. Rate of errors occurring in a unit of time, expressed as a percentage.
Average path time. Average time taken to deliver content from source to destination, for each accelerated stream.
Average latency. Indicates the delay between the encoder and the entry point when sending a unit of media payload.
Average bitrate. Average amount of data transferred over the specified range of time.
Average packet loss. Measures the quality of connection between the encoder and the entry point.
Provides the connection level ratio of data packets (bytes) lost to the data packets (bytes) sent by the encoder. -
Average path time. Average time taken from source to destination.
HTTP response by stream ID. Total number of ingest hits, as well as the total number of each response code received at the entry point for each Stream ID, for the specified range of time.
2xx ingest hits. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx ingest hits. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx ingest hits. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx ingest hits. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
429 ingest hits. Rate limit breach.
413 ingest hits. A segment exceeds the maximum size allowed.
HTTP response by time. Total number of ingest hits categorized by their response codes over time when the content was ingested.
2xx ingest hits. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx ingest hits. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx ingest hits. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx ingest hits. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
429 ingest hits. Rate limit breach.
413 ingest hits. A segment exceeds the maximum size allowed.
HTTP response by CP code. Total number of ingest hits, as well as the total number of each response code received at the entry point for each CP code, for the specified range of time.
2xx ingest hits. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx ingest hits. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx ingest hits. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx ingest hits. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
429 ingest hits. Rate limit breach.
413 ingest hits. A segment exceeds the maximum size allowed.
Media Services Live 4 Historical report
The Media Services Live 4 Historical report shows the total number of ingested bytes per stream identifier and event name, based on access logs.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
CP code (required). Content provider (CP) codes let you segment your delivered content for tracking and reporting purposes. All CP codes have ties to one or more services, which are tracked and reported under that CP code.
Source (optional). You can filter the report output based on the name of the event assigned to the stream. You could set this to Contains, and enter the event name to have report data filtered by that specific event name. For example, a playback URL for an HLS stream typically follows the syntax,
. -
Stream type (optional). Select either Primary or Backup stream types.
Format (optional). Select a media format to include in the report. Leave it empty to include every supported media format.
Chunked transfer (optional). You can filter on streams that include the
Transfer-encoding: chunked
HTTP Header. Note that it's available for streams published with the Chunked Transfer Encoding enabled.
Ingest minutes. Time when content consumption began, and the total number of minutes of content that was consumed.
Ingest volume. Time when content consumption began, and the total volume of content that was consumed.
HTTP response by time. Time when a request for an endpoint was received and the resulting HTTP status code that was returned.
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
429 . Rate limit breach.
413. A segment exceeds the maximum size allowed.
HTTP response by CP code. Total number of hits, as well as the total number of each response code received at the entry point for each CP code, for the specified range of time.
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
429 . Rate limit breach.
413. A segment exceeds the maximum size allowed.
HTTP response by stream ID. Total number of hits, as well as the total number of each response code received at the entry point for each stream ID, for the specified range of time.
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
429 . Rate limit breach.
413. A segment exceeds the maximum size allowed.
Usage by stream & source. Historical usage for each MSL 4 stream, based on the type of stream and its assigned event. It includes this information:
Stream ID. Unique identifier Akamai assigns to the MSL 4 stream.
Stream type. Type of stream, Primary or Backup.
Format. Media format of the stream: HLS, HDS, or DASH.
Source. Name of the event assigned to the stream. For example, a playback URL for an HLS stream typically follows the syntax,
. -
Hits. Total number of successful requests made to the entry point that is providing the stream.
Ingest minutes. Total number of minutes that the stream was actively delivered to end users.
Ingest volume. Total amount of bytes transferred as a result of successful end-user requests.
Usage by HTTP status. Each applicable HTTP response code, and the total number of requests that resulted in that response, over the time specified.
Usage by stream ID. This is a truncated version of Usage by stream & source. It shows each individual Stream (Stream ID), the total number of requests made for that stream (Hits), the total number of minutes that stream was actively delivered to end users (Ingest minutes), and the total amount of bytes transferred as a result of successful end-user requests for that stream (Ingest volume).
Usage by CP code. Total number of requests made (Hits), the total number of minutes that stream was actively delivered to end users (Ingest minutes), and the total amount of bytes transferred as a result of successful end-user requests for that stream (Ingest volume), categorized by CP codes.
Media Services Live 4 Origin Shield report
The Media Services Live 4 Origin Shield report provides usage details for traffic for origins that use multiple CDNs for delivery.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
- CP code (required). Content provider (CP) codes let you segment your delivered content for tracking and reporting purposes. All CP codes have ties to one or more services, which are tracked and reported under that CP code.
Successful hits by time. Number of successful requests to the entry point posting objects, compared with the total number of requests.
Hits. Total number of requests made to the entry point posting objects.
2xx hits. Number of requests made to the entry point posting objects that returned response codes 200 to 299 (Successful).
Volume by time. Time when the content consumption began, and the total volume of content that was consumed.
Other hits by time. Number of requests made to the entry point posting objects that returned response codes other than 2xx:
3xx hits. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx hits. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx hits. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
Average throughput by time. Rate of successful delivery of media, shown as the number of bits delivered per second.
Details by streams. Total number of hits for each stream ID, for the specified range of time, as well as the total number of each response code received at the entry point:
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
Details by CP code. Total number of hits for each CP code, for the specified range of time, as well as the total number of each response code received at the entry point:
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx . 500 to 599 (Server Error).
Usage by client CDN. Total number of hits, number of successful hits, and the volume of consumed content, categorized by client CDNs. It also shows the percentage of each CDN in the total content consumption.
Usage by client ASN. Total number of hits, number of successful hits, and the volume of consumed content, categorized by client autonomous systems.
Usage by client country. Total number of hits, number of successful hits, and the volume of consumed content, categorized by client countries.
Usage by origin hostname. Total number of hits, number of successful hits, and the volume of consumed content, categorized by origin hostnames.
Updated over 1 year ago