GTM reports
Global Traffic Management (GTM) is a cloud-based intelligent traffic manager that supports business continuity and your growing user base and uses load balancing to manage website and mobile performance demands.
GTM reports provide a view of traffic distribution, volumes, and errors for target data centers. You can access the reports from the REPORTS menu. See How to use reports.
For more information about the GTM reports, see the "Work with GTM reports" section of the GTM user guide help.
GTM report
The Global Traffic Management (GTM) report provides traffic data for a domain and its properties and data centers.
This report is for only one domain at a time.
Data granularity
This report returns up to 90 days of data.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
- Domain name (required). Domain name for the traffic shown.
Graphic visualization
DNS requests for all Properties. Requests per second over time for all properties.
DNS requests per Property. Requests per second over time per property.
Summary Table. List of properties and metrics for the domain.
DNS requests by Data Center. Requests per second over time per data center.
Summary Table. List of data centers and metrics for the domain.
Name. Property name.
Average Requests/Sec. Average number of hits that served as a percentage of total hits served.
Min Requests/Sec. Lowest number of hits that served as a percentage of total hits served.
Max Requests/Sec. Peak number of hits that served as a percentage of total hits served.
Total DNS Requests. Total number of DNS requests.
GTM Availability report
The GTM - Availability report tracks availability (uptime) for the Global Traffic Management service. The report displays availability during the time frame as a percentage of time that the GTM authoritative name servers answer queries. This is a per contract report that includes the following information.
- Availability by Time updates every five minutes. When viewing the report over longer time frames, availability summarizes across wider intervals (for example, every hour).
- Service Summary includes Avg, Max, and Min Availability Percentages (%) for the set time frame.
Data granularity
This report returns up to 90 days of data.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
- Contracts (required). Contracts for the traffic shown.
Graphic visualization
- Availability By Time. Graphic visualization of availability percentage by date/time.
Avg Availability (%). Average availability percentage.
Max Availability (%). Maximum availability percentage.
Min Availability (%). Minimum availability percentage.
GTM DataCenter report
The GTM - DataCenter report provides traffic data for a domain and data center and its properties.
This report is for only one domain at a time.
Data granularity
This report returns up to 90 days of data.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
Domain name (required). Domain name for the traffic shown.
DataCenter (required). Data center for the traffic shown.
Graphic visualization
- DNS Requests per Property. DNS request rate by property over time.
Name. Property name.
Average Requests/Sec. The average number of DNS queries as a percentage of total DNS queries.
Min Requests/Sec. Minimum DNS requests per second.
Max Requests/Sec. Maximum DNS requests per second.
Total DNS Requests. Total DNS requests for the given time frame.
GTM Property report
The GTM - Property report provides traffic data, liveness, demand, and load feedback by traffic target.
Data granularity
This report returns up to 10 days of data.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
Domain name (required). Domain name for the traffic shown.
Properties (required). Property name.
Type (required). Property type.
Graphic visualizations
Sources of Traffic by Region. Heat map displaying the sources of traffic by geograpic location.
Latest Status. View of metrics for the select property at the time the report is run.
Percentage DNS Requests per Traffic Target. Distribution of traffic by target data center as a percentage.
DNS Requests per Second, per Traffic Target. Distribution of traffic by target as requests per second.
Summary Table. Additional metrics for a select property and each traffic target.
Percentage Estimated Traffic Sent to Each Traffic Target. Distribution of traffic by target as a percentage allocation of 100.
Latest Status. Additional view of metrics for the select property at the time the report is run.
Percentage Load per Traffic Target. Distribution of load across property targets.
Load per Traffic Target. Readout of current, target, and capacity load feedback for the select property and each target.
Traffic Target Liveness. Report of target up or down state over time for each target.
Average Requests/Sec. Average DNS requests per second.
Capacity Target Requests. Load feedback capacity and target thresholds for a select domain and property.
Current load. Current load of traffic actually sent for each traffic target.
DNS Traffic (Requests per Second). DNS quantity rate.
Load percent. Load percentage per traffic target.
Max load. Maximum traffic expected to be sent for each traffic target.
Maximum Requests/Sec. Maximum (peak) DNS requests per second.
Minimum Requests/Sec. Minimum DNS requests per second.
Name. DataCenter name.
Name. Target name.
Percentage (%) End User Traffic . Percentage of the overall traffic for the property.
Percentage (%) Provisioned Traffic. Percentage of provisioned traffic.
Requests percent (%). DNS requests as a percentage of the overall traffic for the property by target.
Requests per Second. DNS requests per second for the property by target.
Status . Up or down indication for the property.
Target load. Target or requested traffic for each traffic target.
Total DNS Requests. Total DNS requests.
Traffic Target. Select data center to receive traffic for a property.
Traffic Target Liveness. Target Alive = Down or Target Down = Up.
GTM Error Property report
The GTM - Error Property report provides the error count for a domain and property and a list of error events.
The maximum date range is two days.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
Domain name. Domain name for the traffic shown.
Properties. Property name.
Graphic visualization
Server Errors per Hour. Number of errors for the selected property over time.
Server Errors Summary. List of errors for the selected property.
Akamai Test Agent IP. IP address for the test agent observing the error.
Description. Error information.
Duration. The number of seconds the error occurred for.
Error Start Time. Timestamp when the error started.
Errors. The number of errors, such as a timeout.
Traffic Target. Target with the error.
Updated about 1 year ago