This table lists each of the API's error type strings you may encounter. The Error response syntax provide this data as the type
member, each with this common URL prefix:
Error type | Description |
activation-for-other-version-already-pending | You cannot activate the endpoint version because another version's activation is pending on the Akamai network. |
activation-for-path-already-pending | At least one base path and hostname combination that you specified for an endpoint is currently being activated on the Akamai network. |
allow-any-domain-is-not-allowed | For the CORS configuration, you cannot use a wildcard (* ) in the allowedOrigins field when the allowCredentials field is set to true . |
api-privacy-key-location-not-set | For the API privacy configuration, to define an endpoint version as private, you need to first specify the apiKeyLocation value for the endpoint version. |
empty-contract | You need to specify a contract ID when creating or cloning an endpoint. |
empty-group | You need to specify a Control Center group ID when creating or cloning an endpoint. |
empty-hosts | You need to include at least one hostname in the apiEndPointHosts array when creating or cloning an endpoint. |
endpoint-name-not-unique | An endpoint with the name that you specified already exists. |
endpoint-invalid-basepath | The basePath that you specified doesn't meet the syntactic requirements for a base path. Ensure that the base path starts with a forward slash (/ ) and doesn't end with one. |
endpoint-invalid-host | At least one element that you included in the apiEndPointHosts array doesn't meet the syntactic requirements outlined in RFC 952 and RFC 1123. |
endpoint-path-already-active | At least one base path and hostname combination that you specified is already active on the Akamai network. |
endpoint-path-already-used | At least one base path and hostname combination that you specified already exists in another endpoint configuration. |
endpoint-version-already-active | You cannot activate the endpoint version because it's already active on the Akamai network. |
endpoint-version-is-pending | You cannot modify the endpoint version because it has pending changes that are being propagated to the Akamai network. |
endpoint-version-locked | You cannot modify the endpoint version because it has already been activated on the Akamai network. |
endpoint-version-not-active | You cannot deactivate the endpoint version because it isn't currently active on the Akamai network. |
endpoint-version-not-found | You cannot modify the endpoint version because it doesn't exist. |
greater-than-max | The numerical JSON value is too large. |
import-invalid-syntax | The import file that you provided contains syntactic errors. For details on forming an API definition file, see either the Swagger specification or the RAML specification. |
import-invalid-schema | The import file that you provided isn't a valid Swagger 2.0 or RAML 0.8 file. For details on forming an API definition file, see either the Swagger specification or the RAML specification. |
import-hostnames-mismatch | The hostnames in your imported API definition file don't match the hostnames configured for the endpoint. This is just to inform you that the system didn't replace the original hostnames. |
import-ref-not-found | The importUrl that you specified for the import operation doesn't point to an API definition file. |
invalid-category | The apiCategoryId that you specified isn't associated with any endpoints in the system. |
invalid-contract | The contract ID that you specified when creating or cloning an endpoint doesn't exist. |
invalid-header | The HTTP header value provided for the CORS configuration contains invalid characters. |
invalid-http-method | The JSON value isn't an HTTP method name string. This is for JSON fields that expect HTTP methods for values. |
invalid-json-value | The JSON value doesn't meet the validation criteria for the corresponding JSON field. |
invalid-origin | The origin hostname doesn't meet the syntactic requirements outlined in RFC 952 and RFC 1123. |
invalid-purpose-name | The resource purpose name provided contains invalid characters. |
jwt-public-key-duplicated | The primary and backup RSA keys uploaded for JWT validation purposes are identical. |
less-than-min | The numerical JSON value is too small. |
multiple-type-parameters-not-supported | The system only supports single-type parameters in imported API definitions files. |
not-null | The JSON value is null, and the corresponding JSON field doesn't accept null values. |
raml-version-not-supported | The system doesn't support the RAML version of your imported API definition file. The currently supported version is RAML 0.8. |
required-param-missing | The JSON value specified as required in the schema is missing from the request body. |
resource-invalid-path | The resourcePath that you specified doesn't meet the syntactic requirements for a path. Ensure that the resource path starts with a forward slash (/ ) and doesn't end with one. |
resource-name-not-unique | A resource with the name that you specified already exists. |
resource-not-found | The endpoint, version, or resource with the ID that you specified doesn't exist. |
swagger-version-not-supported | The system doesn't support the Swagger version of your imported API definition file. The currently supported version is Swagger 2.0. |
type-mismatch | The JSON value is of a different data type than expected in the corresponding JSON field. |
unrecognized-json-field | The JSON field isn't present in the corresponding JSON schema. |