Error types

This table lists each of the API's error type strings you may encounter. The Error response syntax provide this data as the type member, each with this common URL prefix:

Error typeDescription
activation-for-other-version-already-pendingYou cannot activate the endpoint version because another version's activation is pending on the Akamai network.
activation-for-path-already-pendingAt least one base path and hostname combination that you specified for an endpoint is currently being activated on the Akamai network.
allow-any-domain-is-not-allowedFor the CORS configuration, you cannot use a wildcard (*) in the allowedOrigins field when the allowCredentials field is set to true.
api-privacy-key-location-not-setFor the API privacy configuration, to define an endpoint version as private, you need to first specify the apiKeyLocation value for the endpoint version.
empty-contractYou need to specify a contract ID when creating or cloning an endpoint.
empty-groupYou need to specify a Control Center group ID when creating or cloning an endpoint.
empty-hostsYou need to include at least one hostname in the apiEndPointHosts array when creating or cloning an endpoint.
endpoint-name-not-uniqueAn endpoint with the name that you specified already exists.
endpoint-invalid-basepathThe basePath that you specified doesn't meet the syntactic requirements for a base path. Ensure that the base path starts with a forward slash (/) and doesn't end with one.
endpoint-invalid-hostAt least one element that you included in the apiEndPointHosts array doesn't meet the syntactic requirements outlined in RFC 952 and RFC 1123.
endpoint-path-already-activeAt least one base path and hostname combination that you specified is already active on the Akamai network.
endpoint-path-already-usedAt least one base path and hostname combination that you specified already exists in another endpoint configuration.
endpoint-version-already-activeYou cannot activate the endpoint version because it's already active on the Akamai network.
endpoint-version-is-pendingYou cannot modify the endpoint version because it has pending changes that are being propagated to the Akamai network.
endpoint-version-lockedYou cannot modify the endpoint version because it has already been activated on the Akamai network.
endpoint-version-not-activeYou cannot deactivate the endpoint version because it isn't currently active on the Akamai network.
endpoint-version-not-foundYou cannot modify the endpoint version because it doesn't exist.
greater-than-maxThe numerical JSON value is too large.
import-invalid-syntaxThe import file that you provided contains syntactic errors. For details on forming an API definition file, see either the Swagger specification or the RAML specification.
import-invalid-schemaThe import file that you provided isn't a valid Swagger 2.0 or RAML 0.8 file. For details on forming an API definition file, see either the Swagger specification or the RAML specification.
import-hostnames-mismatchThe hostnames in your imported API definition file don't match the hostnames configured for the endpoint. This is just to inform you that the system didn't replace the original hostnames.
import-ref-not-foundThe importUrl that you specified for the import operation doesn't point to an API definition file.
invalid-categoryThe apiCategoryId that you specified isn't associated with any endpoints in the system.
invalid-contractThe contract ID that you specified when creating or cloning an endpoint doesn't exist.
invalid-headerThe HTTP header value provided for the CORS configuration contains invalid characters.
invalid-http-methodThe JSON value isn't an HTTP method name string. This is for JSON fields that expect HTTP methods for values.
invalid-json-valueThe JSON value doesn't meet the validation criteria for the corresponding JSON field.
invalid-originThe origin hostname doesn't meet the syntactic requirements outlined in RFC 952 and RFC 1123.
invalid-purpose-nameThe resource purpose name provided contains invalid characters.
jwt-public-key-duplicatedThe primary and backup RSA keys uploaded for JWT validation purposes are identical.
less-than-minThe numerical JSON value is too small.
multiple-type-parameters-not-supportedThe system only supports single-type parameters in imported API definitions files.
not-nullThe JSON value is null, and the corresponding JSON field doesn't accept null values.
raml-version-not-supportedThe system doesn't support the RAML version of your imported API definition file. The currently supported version is RAML 0.8.
required-param-missingThe JSON value specified as required in the schema is missing from the request body.
resource-invalid-pathThe resourcePath that you specified doesn't meet the syntactic requirements for a path. Ensure that the resource path starts with a forward slash (/) and doesn't end with one.
resource-name-not-uniqueA resource with the name that you specified already exists.
resource-not-foundThe endpoint, version, or resource with the ID that you specified doesn't exist.
swagger-version-not-supportedThe system doesn't support the Swagger version of your imported API definition file. The currently supported version is Swagger 2.0.
type-mismatchThe JSON value is of a different data type than expected in the corresponding JSON field.
unrecognized-json-fieldThe JSON field isn't present in the corresponding JSON schema.