NetStorage reports
NetStorage reports provide a visual view of NetStorage services and a measure to compare against other cloud storage vendors.
You can access the reports from the Reports menu. See How to use reports.
NetStorage Realtime report
The Realtime NetStorage report lets you view the used volume, object count, average object size information, and uploads and downloads from and to NetStorage per CP code, with a 10 minute latency. You can choose from data for up to 4 days.
- CP code (required). Content provider (CP) codes let you segment your delivered content for tracking and reporting purposes. All CP codes have ties to one or more services, which are tracked and reported under that CP code.
Realtime Availability report
The Realtime Availability report shows success and error responses for content uploaded to NetStorage, for content management and for delivery download, across all CP codes.
Content management hits. Total number of hits to NetStorage indicating upload or download operations performed. Depending on the date range chosen, Resolution is set to 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day, with smaller date ranges taking lesser time for aggregation. The number of hits is categorized by their returned response codes:
2xx. 200 - 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 - 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 - 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 - 599 (Server Error).
Other. Codes less than 200 and greater than 600.
Delivery download hits. Total number of download hits from Akamai Servers to NetStorage while delivering content to end users. Depending on the date range chosen, Resolution is set to 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day, with smaller date ranges taking lesser time for aggregation. The number of hits is categorized by their returned response codes:
2xx. 200 - 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 - 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 - 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 - 599 (Server Error).
Other. Codes less than 200 and greater than 600.
Hits by response code. Total number of hits from end-users on content stored in NetStorage, categorized by response code, content management and delivery downloads hits.
Response codes:
200 - 299 (Successful).
300 - 399 (Redirection).
400 - 499 (Client Error).
500 - 599 (Server Error).
Content management hits. Total number of hits to NetStorage indicating upload or download operations performed by users while managing the content, for the selected duration.
Delivery download hits. Total number of download hits from Akamai Servers to NetStorage while delivering content to end users.
Content management hits by CP code. Number of hits from end-users on content stored in NetStorage that is further categorized by CP codes and response codes.
Content management hits. Total number of hits to NetStorage indicating upload or download operations performed by users while managing the content, for the selected duration.
Responses: Total number of hits on Edge servers, categorized by their returned response codes:
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
Delivery downloads hits by CP code. Number of hits from end-users on content stored in NetStorage categorized by CP codes and response codes.
Delivery download hits. Total number of hits for the selected duration.
Responses. Total number of hits on Edge servers, categorized by their returned response codes:
2xx. 200 to 299 (Successful).
3xx. 300 to 399 (Redirection).
4xx. 400 to 499 (Client Error).
5xx. 500 to 599 (Server Error).
Realtime Traffic report
The Realtime Traffic report shows the number of hits, the bandwidth at which the media was available, and information on volume and hits per Content Provider (CP) code.
Upload bandwidth. Average volume of content uploaded per second to NetStorage for a given time period. This metric is available at a minimum granularity of 5 minutes.
Download bandwidth. Bandwidth downloaded per second from NetStorage for a given time period.
Volume by CP code. Total amount of content uploaded and downloaded through NetStorage for a CP code.
Upload volume. Average volume of content uploaded to NetStorage for a selected duration.
Download volume. Total amount of storage used by the content downloaded from NetStorage for a selected duration.
Realtime Read & Write Operation report
The Read & Write Operations report lets you view reports about throttled operations on a CP code basis. Operations that exceed the threshold for a given CP code or region are throttled.
All storage operations are subject to rate limiting checks before the object is written to, or read from storage. These operations are either a read or write operation. This report provides near real-time feedback on these operations with a 2 minute latency. Each data point on the widget has a resolution time of 5 minutes. These limits apply to the CMS APIs and Download Delivery of all objects, including files and directories. Read more about operational and rate limits.
Read operations that exceed threshold. Total number of read operations that exceeded the threshold for the given time period.
Read operations throttled. Total number of read operations per second over the threshold.
Write operations that exceed threshold. Total number of write operations that exceeded the threshold for the given time period.
Write operations throttled. Total number of write operations per second over the threshold.
Total read operations. Total number of NetStorage read operations, categorized by CP codes.
Time. Time of the operation.
CP code. CP code being monitored.
Operations/sec: Total number of operations per second for the selected duration.
Total write operations. Total number of NetStorage write operations, categorized by CP codes.
Time: Time of the operation.
CP code: CP code being monitored.
Operations/sec: Total number of operations per second for the selected duration.
Realtime Aspera report
The Realtime Aspera report lets you view traffic trends, file counts, and volume of content transferred using Aspera.
The realtime reports for Aspera derive data from sample data sets. The Aspera tab displays this data at a latency of under 15 minutes.
Traffic trend. Average volume of content transferred using Aspera.
Download volume. Total amount of storage used by the content downloaded from NetStorage across all CP codes for a customer.
Upload volume. Average volume of content uploaded to NetStorage for a selected duration.
Success file count. Number of successful file transfers using Aspera.
Volume by CP code. Total amount of content uploaded and downloaded through NetStorage for a CP code.
NetStorage Historical report
The NetStorage Historical report lets you monitor the volume trends and recent FTP activity.
- CP code (required). Content provider (CP) codes let you segment your delivered content for tracking and reporting purposes. All CP codes have ties to one or more services, which are tracked and reported under that CP code.
Historical Volume report
The Historical Volume report shows the total amount of storage used in NetStorage across all selected CP codes.
Average volume. Average volume of content for the filtered duration.
Volume trend. Average volume of content uploaded per second to NetStorage for a given time period.
Netstorage volume by time and CP code. Average volume of content categorized by time and CP codes.
Historical FTP recent activity report
The Historical FTP recent activity report shows the recent FTP activity through NetStorage.
FTP login. User account logged in.
Upload volume. Amount of data uploaded.
Download volume. Amount of data downloaded.
Logins. Number of times this user has logged in.
Succ. file transfers. Number of successful file transfers.
Succ. dir lists. Number of successful directory listings.
Int. file transfers. Number of interrupted file transfers.
Int. dir lists. Number of interrupted directory listings.
Bad paths. Number of bad paths requested.
Bad dir lists. Number of bad directory listings.
Historical Aspera report
The Historical Aspera report shows traffic trends, file counts, and volume of content transferred using Aspera.
Traffic trend. Average volume of content transferred using Aspera.
Total upload volume. Total amount of storage used by the content downloaded from NetStorage across all CP codes for a customer.
Total download volume. Average volume of content uploaded to NetStorage for a selected duration.
Success/Error count. Number of successful and failed file transfers using Aspera.
Success file count. Number of successful file transfers using Aspera.
Fail file count. Number of failed file transfers using Aspera.
Volume by user. Total amount of content uploaded and downloaded through NetStorage for a user.
Volume by CP code. Total amount of content uploaded and downloaded through NetStorage for a CP code.
FTP Security report
The FTP Security report displays a list of Good/Bad access attempts to NetStorage storage groups, based on the password values used.
Data may appear at a latency of 5-6 hours after activity.
Select at least one required filter in every report. For optional filters, making no selection returns all associated data for that filter.
Users (optional). FTP security users to include in the report.
Location info (optional). Geographic locations from which the requests originated.
Login details report
This report tab provides information on login details for all users.
Login summary:
User. User account used to access your storage groups during the specified time period.
Status. Color-coded entries pertaining to the severity of the login attempts performed by the user account, during the specified time range:
Green. All login attempts made were permitted, with no issues.
Yellow (Warning). The issued status codes resulted in blocking some login attempts. However, others were permitted, with no issues.
Red (Error). A login attempt performed by the account raised a high-level error, for example, a Brute Force Attack (BFA) was attempted by the account.
Click the information icon beside the colored entry to get additional details on user login attempts.
Reason. Description detailing why a specific status applies to the user account. Click the information icon to get suggested actions that you can take to avoid additional issues.
Login details:
IP. Client IP address.
Country. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Region. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
City. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Protocol. Protocol used to request access to a NetStorage storage group.
Successful attempts. Total number of times the account was granted access using a correct password.
Bad passwords. Total number of times an incorrect password was used.
Bad passwords after BFAD lockdown. Total number of times an incorrect password was used, after enforcement of Brute Force Attack Detection (BFAD), and lockdown of an account. Access was still denied.
Good passwords after BFAD lockdown. Total number of times a correct password was used, after enforcement of Brute Force Attack Detection (BFAD), and lockdown of an account. Access was still denied.
ACL denials for bad password. Incorrect passwords blocked due to IP/GEO ACL violations.
ACL denials for good password. Correct passwords blocked due to IP/Geo ACL violations.
Good GEO report
This report tab shows successful access attempts per country (GEO), using a known user account.
Login summary:
User. The user account used to access your storage groups during the specified time period.
Status. Color-coded entries pertaining to the severity of the login attempts performed by the user account, during the specified time range:
Green. All login attempts made were permitted, with no issues.
Yellow (Warning). The issued status codes resulted in blocking some login attempts. However, others were permitted, with no issues.
Red (Error). A login attempt performed by the account raised a high-level error, for example, a Brute Force Attack (BFA) was attempted by the account.
Click the information icon beside the colored entry to get additional details on user login attempts.
Reason. Description detailing why a specific status applies to the user account. Click the information icon to get suggested actions that you can take to avoid additional issues.
Good GEO:
Country. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Region. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
City. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Failed attempts. Total number of times the account was not granted access due to an incorrect password.
Good passwords after BFAD lockdown. Total number of times a correct password was used, after enforcement of Brute Force Attack Detection (BFAD), and lockdown of the account. Access was still denied.
Successful attempts. Total number of times the account was granted access using a correct password.
Bad IP report
This report tab shows individual IP addresses that unsuccessfully attempted to access a storage group, using a known user account. It focuses on blocked attempts due to the use of an incorrect password.
Login summary:
User. The user account used to access your storage groups during the specified time period.
Status. Color-coded entries pertaining to the severity of the login attempts performed by the user account, during the specified time range:
Green. All login attempts made were permitted, with no issues.
Yellow (Warning). The issued status codes resulted in blocking some login attempts. However, others were permitted, with no issues.
Red (Error). A login attempt performed by the account raised a high-level error, for example, a Brute Force Attack (BFA) was attempted by the account.
Click the information icon beside the colored entry to get additional details on user login attempts.
Reason. Description detailing why a specific status applies to the user account. Click the information icon to get suggested actions that you can take to avoid additional issues.
Bad IP:
IP. Client IP address.
Country. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Region. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
City. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Failed attempts. Total number of times the account was not granted access due to an incorrect password.
Good passwords after BFAD lockdown. Total number of times a correct password was used, after enforcement of Brute Force Attack Detection (BFAD), and lockdown of the account. Access was still denied.
Successful attempts. Total number of times the account was granted access using a correct password.
Good IP report
This report tab shows individual IP addresses that successfully accessed a storage group, using a known user account. It focuses on successful attempts, using the proper password.
Login summary:
User. User account used to access your storage groups during the specified time period.
Status. Color-coded entries pertaining to the severity of the login attempts performed by the user account, during the specified time range:
Green. All login attempts made were permitted, with no issues.
Yellow. (Warning). The issued status codes resulted in blocking some login attempts. However, others were permitted, with no issues.
Red. (Error). A login attempt performed by the account raised a high-level error, for example, a Brute Force Attack (BFA) was attempted by the account.
Click the information icon beside the colored entry to get additional details on user login attempts.
Reason. Description detailing why a specific status applies to the user account. Click the information icon to get suggested actions that you can take to avoid additional issues.
Good IP:
IP. Client IP address.
Country. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Region. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
City. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Failed attempts. Total number of times the account was not granted access due to an incorrect password.
Good passwords after BFAD lockdown. Total number of times a correct password was used, after enforcement of Brute Force Attack Detection (BFAD), and lockdown of the account. Access was still denied.
Successful attempts. Total number of times the account was granted access using a correct password.
Bad GEO report
This report tab shows access attempts per country (GEO) that were unsuccessful, using a known user account. It focuses on blocked attempts from these countries due to the use of an incorrect password.
Login summary:
User. The user account used to access your storage groups during the specified time period.
Status. Color-coded entries pertaining to the severity of the login attempts performed by the user account, during the specified time range:
Green. All login attempts made were permitted, with no issues.
Yellow (Warning). The issued status codes resulted in blocking some login attempts. However, others were permitted, with no issues.
Red (Error). A login attempt performed by the account raised a high-level error, for example, a Brute Force Attack (BFA) was attempted by the account.
Click the information icon beside the colored entry to get additional details on user login attempts.
Reason. Description detailing why a specific status applies to the user account. Click the information icon to get suggested actions that you can take to avoid additional issues.
Bad GEO:
Country. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Region. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
City. Extracted by mapping the user's IP address to their location.
Failed attempts. Total number of times the account was not granted access due to an incorrect password.
Good passwords after BFAD lockdown. Total number of times a correct password was used, after enforcement of Brute Force Attack Detection (BFAD), and lockdown of the account. Access was still denied.
Successful attempts. Total number of times the account was granted access using a correct password.
Create or update ACL rules
Based on the FTP Security report data, you can create or update ACL rules. You can do it on the Good GEO, Bad IP, Good IP, and Bad GEO report tabs.
- Check the boxes next to the table rows you want to include in your ACL rules.
- Select the rule set from the menu above the table. To create a new rule set, select New rule set.
- Click Submit.
- Continue creating or updating the ACL rule set in NetStorage.
Updated over 1 year ago