Purge content by cache tag

If you have a collection of objects that you usually refresh at the same time, group them under a single cache tag. This way you can purge all content possessing this tag with a single request. You create your own cache tags using natural language, for example fall-sale. This may be more convenient than providing a technical identifier, such as URL or CP code.


If you're using the x-akamai-cache-on header to test or debug cache tag operations, enabling the Quick Retry behavior in your property might result in 400 response errors.

Before you begin

How to

  1. Under Purge content by, select Cache Tags.

  2. In the entry field, type at least one valid cache tag. All objects matching any of the tags you specify will be purged.

Cache tag requirements

  • A single tag can't exceed 128 characters.

  • To insert multiple tags, press Enter, Tab, or , after each tag.

  • The maximum number of tags per cached object is 128. Any additional tags are ignored.

  • Cache tags are case-sensitive, for example, tag-abc and Tag-Abc are treated as distinct tag values.

Allowed and disallowed cache tag characters.
AlphanumericAngle brackets (< >)
Ampersand (&)Asterisk (*)
Apostrophe (')At sign (@)
Circumflex (^)Backslash (\)
Dash (-)Braces ({ })
Dollar sign ($)Colon (:)
Exclamation mark (!)Comma (,)
Grave accent (`)Double quote (")
Hash sign (#)Equal sign (=)
Percent sign (%)Open/closed parenthesis (( ))
Period (.)Question mark (?)
Plus (+)Semicolon (;)
Tilde (~)Space ( )
Underline (_)Square brackets ([ ])
Vertical bar (|)
Slash (/)
  1. Select the ​Akamai​ network on which you want to refresh content — either Production or Staging.
  2. Select a method — either Invalidate or Delete.
  3. Click Submit Purge.

A message appears at the top of the page, letting you know your request was accepted and will be completed within a few seconds. A support ID is also included.