Mismatch issues and UCEM
You may encounter a "mismatch" between what you've set in a property hostname's Mapping Solution for an edge hostname, and what's applied in the "use case-based" behavior in the rules in your property configuration.
Here, we describe some of these mismatch conditions, and how to resolve them.
Incorrect mapping from your property hostname to edge hostname
The first step to resolve any mismatch is to make sure that the mapping from the property hostname to the edge hostname in Property Manager is accurate. This mapping must match the DNS CNAME record that translates your property hostname to the edge hostname that was generated.
Does your Media delivery type setting match the use case-based behavior?
With Download Delivery (Download Delivery), what you've set for the Media delivery type: Download Mode and the Optimize for Foreground Download setting must match. For example, your Download Delivery configuration has set "FOREGROUND" as the Download Mode for the edge hostname. So, Optimize for Foreground Download must be set to On in the Content Characteristics behavior in the Default Rule.
Updated 9 months ago