An enrollment, along with other operations, allows you to create and manage changes for an enrollment. Relevant parameters for enrollment operations are:

raConstant - Registration AuthorityRegistration Authority.
validationTypeConstant - Validation TypeDomain and Organization validation type.
certificateTypeConstant - CertificateCertificate Type.
networkTypeConstant - Network TypeNetwork Type.
mustHaveCiphersStringAkamai cipher profile name, e.g. ak-akamai-recommended.
preferredCiphersStringAkamai cipher profile name, e.g. ak-akamai-recommended.
sniGroup - sniServer Name Indication (SNI).
signatureAlgorithmConstant - Signature AlgorithmAlgorithm used to sign the certificate.
changeManagementBooleanWhen enabled, you need to intervene and approve the enrollment state before a certificate will be deployed with current configuration to the network.
csrGroup - CSRCertificate Signing Request.
orgGroup - OrganizationOrganization information for the CSR request.
adminContactGroup - ContactOrganization's administrator contact information for the CSR request.
techContactGroup - ContactOrganization's technical contact information for the CSR request.
thirdPartyGroup - ThirdPartyInformation for certificates signed by RAs other than Akamai's integrated RAs.