This table aggregates membership for all versions of the Certificate object.

Versioned schema members

Any object member specific to a range of versions is indicated in its description, at what version the member was either introduced or removed. Any listed data member with no version number is common to all versions of the object.

Certificate: A digital certificate contains an electronic document that includes a company's identification information (such as the name of the company and address), a public key, and the digital signature of a certification authority (CA) based on that certification authority's private key. Digital certificates are verified using a chain of trust, which is a certificate hierarchy that allows individuals to verify the validity of a certificate's issuer. The latest BETA version allows for multiple certificates and trust chains submission (Dual-Stack enrollment).
certificateStringpre-v2. The certificate text.
certificates​And​Trust​ChainsCertificate.​certificates​And​Trust​Chains[]v2. Certificate and trust chain item
trust​ChainString, Nullpre-v2. The trust chain text. You may have no trust chains or multiple trust chains.
Certificate.certificates​And​Trust​Chains[]: Certificate and trust chain item
certificateStringv2. The certificate text.
key​AlgorithmEnumerationv2. The key algorithm of the certificate.
trust​ChainString, Nullv2. The trust chain text. You may have no trust chains or multiple trust chains.

Sample v1 object

The original version of the object splits the main certificate and trust chain data. It uses this MIME type:

    "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID2DCCAsCgAwI... <sample - removed for readability> .... Bpto9JgDmt0yqsdFdLrZlpsIQwpLqdgKZlSw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
    "trustChain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDTDCCAjQCEB1F... <sample - removed for readability> .... ju6KdIwCwmthk1iIUAri6avIrh7Mg2SHFho/4p5mA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDQzCCAi0CEO7lWBUwDEEclty6iX7gCMcwCwYJKoZIhvcNA... <sample - removed for readability> .... c8qePy3KgqY44s3kbrPR6sJuAIQ=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

Sample v2 object

The v2 object consolidates the main certificate and trust chain data. It uses this MIME type:

    "certificatesAndTrustChains": [
            "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID ... <sample - removed for readability> .... KZlSw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
            "keyAlgorithm": "ECDSA",
            "trustChain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID ... <sample - removed for readability> .... 4p5mA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDQ ... <sample - removed for readability> .... JuAIQ=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
            "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID ... <sample - removed for readability> .... ZKwSl==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
            "keyAlgorithm": "RSA",
            "trustChain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID ... <sample - removed for readability> .... mA45p=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDQ ... <sample - removed for readability> .... QuIAJ=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"