This table aggregates membership for all versions of the CertificateHistory object.

Versioned schema members

Any object member specific to a range of versions is indicated in its description, at what version the member was either introduced or removed. Any listed data member with no version number is common to all versions of the object.

Certificate​History: The type of certificate. This could be a single certificate, which associates a property hostname with a single name. It could be a wildcard certificate, which secures an entire property hostname. It could be a SAN certificate, which uses Subject Alternative Names and allows you to secure up to 100 property hostnames with one certificate. It could also be a wildcard SAN certificate, which is a SAN certificate that can have up to 100 SANs with 25 wildcard entries in the SAN list. Lastly, you can have a third-party certificate, which is a signed certificate obtained by you from an external certificate authority.
deployment​StatusStringrequired: The current status of the certificate on the network. This is either active or inactive.
geographyString, NullLists where you can deploy the certificate. If it is standard-worldwide, you can deploy everywhere except China. If it is worldwide, you can deploy everywhere including China. If it is worldwide-russia, you can deploy everywhere including Russia. Geography is dependent on your network type. If your network type is standard-tls, then you can deploy in Russia and worldwide-russia is the same as standard-worldwide.
multi​Stacked​CertificatesCertificate​History.​multi​Stacked​Certificates[]required: Enables an ECDSA certificate in addition to an RSA certificate. CPS automatically performs all certificate operations on both certificates, and will use the best certificate for each client connection to your secure properties. If you're pinning certificates, you need to pin both the RSA and the ECDSA certificate. Enable this feature for best performance.
primary​CertificateCertificate​History.​primary​Certificaterequired: Primary certificate for Enrollment.
raString, NullThe certificate registration authority of the primary certificate.
slotsArrayrequired: The slot number of the primary certificate.
staging​StatusStringrequired: The staging status of the primary certificate.
typeEnumerationrequired: Either san, single, wildcard, wildcard-san, or third-party.
Certificate​History.multi​Stacked​Certificates[]: Enables an ECDSA certificate in addition to an RSA certificate. CPS automatically performs all certificate operations on both certificates, and will use the best certificate for each client connection to your secure properties. Customers who are pinning certificates will need to pin both the RSA and the ECDSA certificate. For best performance, enable this feature.
certificateString, NullThe certificate type of the multi-stacked certificate.
expiryString, NullThe expiration date for the multi-stacked certificate.
key​AlgorithmEnumeration, Nullv2. The key algorithm for the multi-stacked certificate.
trust​ChainString, NullThe trust chain for the multi-stacked certificate.
Certificate​History.primary​Certificate: Primary certificate for Enrollment.
certificateString, NullThe primary certificate in the multi-stacked certificate.
expiryString, NullThe expiration date for the primary certificate.
key​AlgorithmEnumeration, Nullv2. The key algorithm for the primary certificate.
trust​ChainString, NullThe trust chain for the primary certificate.